Millar, A L., & Trubey, C. L. (2006). Effects of stretching techniques on physiological and functional measures. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), Supplement abstract 1750.
This study attempted to determine the acute effect of stretching on physiological and functional measures, and if there was any difference in the physiological or functional changes due to stretching technique. College aged Ss (N = 15) were tested for hamstring flexibility, isometric strength, resting EMG activity, and the single-leg hop for distance. Each test was performed before and after one of three stretching interventions: ballistic, PNF, or static, as well as on a separate control day. Ss rested for the five minutes between tests). At least two days separated each testing session, and the order of testing for strength and the jump was random.
Average range of motion improved significantly for all stretches. There were no significant differences from pre- to post-stretch for strength, EMG activity, or single leg hop distance for any of the stretches. Individual variability was large for all stretching experiences as well as the single-leg hop for distance, and control tests.
Implication. Stretching immediately prior to an activity does not have a significant effect on some measures of function or physiological response. However, the response to stretching appears to be very individual. Therefore, we believe that determination of pre-event stretching should be based upon the individual and the demands of the activity.
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