Marvin, D. P., Figueira, Jr., A. J., & Pinto, L. G. (2006). One session of resistance training may increase serum testosterone and triiodetironine in young men? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), Supplement abstract 1774.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pre- and post- one session resistance training on serum testosterone and Triiodotironine in young men. Healthy males (N = 8) with at least 12-months of resistance training were assessed for body weight and height. The resistance training protocol included exercises for the lower (leg press, leg extension, and leg curl) and upper limbs (bench press, lat pull down, and military press) in a circuit training format until exhaustion (3 sets; 6-8 RM, and alternating upper and lower limb exercises). Rest time between sets and exercises was 10-20s, with 15 minutes for the total training session. The work load for 6 RM for each exercise was measured one day before the test session. Serum hormone was determined pre- and post-training at 0, 20, 40, and 60 minutes. Normal diet and no training were stipulated before the test session.
There was a significant increase of serum testosterone (29.42%) immediately after the exercise. From there on, a progressive decrease of 26.47% up to the 60 minute measurement. There was no significant difference between resting levels and those measured at 20, 40, and 60 minutes post-exercise. Also no significant change was observed in Triiodotironine at all measurement times.
Implication. Repetitive exhaustive resistance training promotes increased levels of serum testosterone.
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