Griffiths, L. A., & McConnell, A. K. (2006). Differentiating the influence of inspiratory and expiratory muscle training upon rowing performance in club-level oarsmen. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), Supplement abstract 2167.
This study investigated the effects of four weeks of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) or expiratory muscle training (EMT), as well as the effect of a subsequent six weeks of concurrent IMT/EMT upon rowing performance in club-level oarsmen (N = 17). Ss were assigned to either inspiratory muscle training or expiratory muscle training for four weeks. Performance and physiological responses were measured during an incremental rowing ergometer "step-test" and a 6-minute all-out effort. Respiratory muscle training was undertaken at the 30-repetition maximum load (~50% of the peak respiratory mouth pressure, PImax or PEmax) using one of two pressure threshold devices.
There was no change in minute ventilation or maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in either group at any time. The inspiratory muscle training group showed a decrease in heart rate (~3-6 bpm) at all "step-test" stages, and a decreased sensation of breathlessness following the ergometer test. There were no significant physiological changes in the expiratory muscle training group.
Implication. Inspiratory muscle training improved rowing performance, but expiratory muscle training and concurrent occurrences of both forms of training did not.
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