Edwards, W. W., Glickman, E. L., Nelson, A. G., Palfrey, T. C., Pena, J., Graf, J., & Mali, S. (2008). Effect of explosive strength training on power, blood glucose, lactate, and ketones in young adults. ACSM 55th Annual Meeting Indianapolis, Presentation Number, 1630.
"Previous research suggests that improvements in power, lactate removal, and glucose metabolism occur with long periods of power training. However, the optimal training program to improve power and carbohydrate/ketone metabolism is unclear. Some suggest high velocity, low load training is optimal in older adults. Whether improvements occur in lactate/glucose tolerance and explosive power with short-term training (i.e., less than one month) in younger adults is unclear."
This study investigated the effect of explosive strength training on power output and blood glucose, lactate, and ketones in college students (M = 23; F = 14). After two months of training in a weight-training class, Ss were assigned to three weeks of two circuits of six alternating push-pull exercises per session using an explosive technique (i.e., maximum concentric and eccentric velocity) per rep. Thirty repetitions per exercise were performed in circuit 1, while maximum repetitions were performed in circuit 2. Weight resistance was adjusted after each session in order to achieve 25-35 repetitions in the second set in the next session. Before and after the three weeks of explosive training, Ss performed a 30-second arm sprint for power on an arm ergometer preceded by an incremental warm-up. Blood samples were drawn before exercise (Rest), and at one and three minutes post-exercise and analyzed immediately for fasting glucose, ketones, and lactate.
Arm sprint power increased following training. Glucose was higher following training at Rest, at one-minute, and at three minutes after exercise. Ketones were lower at the third minute after cessation but not at Rest or one-minute. Lactates did not differ as a response to training.
Implication. Arm sprint power increases in response to short-term explosive training following two months of baseline strength training. Chronic and acute glycemic markers are improved with short-term explosive training, as are the acute blood levels of ketones.
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