Nacliero, F., Forte, D., Colado, J. C., Benavent, J., & Chulvi, I. (2007). Analysis of the force and power produced in the squat over 52 weeks training. ACSM Annual Meeting New Orleans, Presentation Number, 1776.
This study attempted to establish the relationship between changes in 1 RM and maximal average and peak power with the % of the load expressing the highest values of percent average power and percent peak power produced in the parallel squat over 52 weeks of training by male fire-fighter candidates (N = 17). Ss were evaluated at three different times during the study period; after four weeks of familiarization training, at 24 weeks, when Ss had to reach their first peak of performance, and at 52 weeks, the second peak performance. The parallel squat was evaluated because it was used during the whole study.
The only variable to change significantly over the 52 weeks was the 1 RM.
Implication. The increase in 1 RM produced in the power squat was not significantly related to any change in either average power or peak power, nor in the percent average power or percent peak power throughout the study. Training effects were particularly specific because any possible associated change in specific squat performance was linked more to the 1 RM increase rather than to modification of any power variables. [This study reinforces the concept of specificity in performance variables. It supports the proposal that changes in strength are not related to changes in power.]
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