Fradkin, A. Cameron, P., Gabbe, B., & Forbes, A. (2006). Does warming-up reduce the risk of injury to golfers? A cluster randomised controlled trial. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), Supplement abstract 2029.
This study investigated the effect of a golf-specific warm-up program on the incidence of injuries to golfers. Golfers (N = 344) aged 18 - 66 years were randomly allocated to either a control (N = 166) or warm-up (N = 178) group. Participation in practice and games, and, in the warm-up group, compliance to the warm-up program was monitored over a 6-month period in 2004/2005. All injury characteristics (location, time of injury, and severity) were recorded using a golf specific injury reporting form. The severity of the injuries was calculated using both treatment length and time away from golf play and practice.
During the 6-month period, 68 injuries occurred; 10 in the intervention group and 58 in the control group. Golfers in the intervention group were at a significantly lower risk of injury compared to golfers in the control group. The warm-up group sustained their injuries later in the round compared to the control group, and the severity of the injuries was more pronounced in the control group compared to the intervention group both in treatment length and time lost. The intervention group did not sustain any severe injuries, with the majority of the injuries sustained being mild (<7 days) under both conditions, while the injuries in the control group were classified moderately severe (7-21 days) under both conditions. The non-injured intervention group golfers warmed-up appropriately 96.0% of the time compared to the injured intervention group golfers 63.0% of the time.
Implication. A golf-specific warm-up program significantly reduced injuries, especially severe injuries.
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