Consitt, L. A., Bloomer, R. J., & Wideman, L. (2005). The response of immunofunctional and total growth hormone to acute aerobic and resistance exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 37(5), Supplement abstract 1859.
This study determined the biologically active growth hormone (capable of dimerizing the GH receptor and sending a cellular signal), as measured by an immunofunctional assay, response to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise and resistance exercise in 10 cross-trained males. The exercises consisted of 30 minutes of continuous cycling at 70% VO2peak and 30 minutes of intermittent free weight squatting at 70% 1 RM.
Resistance exercise stimulated a significantly greater amount of immunofunctional growth hormone than aerobic exercise. Time to peak GH formation was similar between both forms of exercise. Within total growth hormone, a greater percentage that could not dimerize the receptor was formed than was active GH in both forms of exercise. Resistance exercise produced the greatest total amount of GH.
Implication. Growth hormone production is greatest after resistance exercise when compared to aerobic exercise.
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