Jacobs, K. A., Muza, S. R., Pdigeon, S., Hagobian, T. A., Subudhi, A. W., Stone, K. S., Fattor, J. A., Fulco, C. S., Rock, P. B., Cymerman, A., & Friedlander, A. L. (2003). Antioxidant supplementation does not reduce incidence or severity of acute mountain sickness at 4300 m. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 35(5), Supplement abstract 900.
It has been postulated that acute mountain sickness (AMS) may be related to oxidative stress. This promotes a further hypothesis that antioxidant supplementation might be an alternate therapy for alleviating AMS. Trained males (N = 18) completed the Environmental Systems Questionnaire III and the Lake Louise Questionnaire at sea level and daily during two weeks at 4,300 m. Ss were provided with a low antioxidant diet that maintained caloric balance at sea level. While at high altitude, energy expenditure was increased to achieve a caloric deficit of ~1,500 kcal/d. Following sea level testing, Ss were divided into two matched groups one assigned an antioxidant supplement and the other a placebo. Supplementation started three weeks before going to high altitude.
There were no differences between the two supplementation groups on any day.
Implication. Antioxidant supplementation does not reduce the incidence or severity of AMS.
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