Young, W. B., & Behm, D. G. (2003). Effects of running, static stretching and practice jumps on explosive force production and jumping performance. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 43, 21-27.
Volunteers (M = 13; F = 3) participated in five different warm-ups in a randomized order prior to performing two jumping tests. The warm-up conditions were 1) control, 2) 4-min run, 3) static stretch, 4) run and stretch, and 5) run, stretch, and practice jumps. After two minutes of rest, a concentric and drop jump were performed.
Stretching produced the lowest values and thus, is not conducive to power performances. The run and run+stretch+jumping conditions produced the highest values of explosive force production. There mostly were no significant differences between the other conditions except that the run-alone condition produced significantly higher values than the run+stretch+jumping condition for drop-jump height (3.2%), concentric jump height (3.4%), peak concentric force (2.7%), and rate of force development (15.4%).
Implication. Running and practice jumps have a positive effect on subsequent explosive force production whereas stretching has a negative effect.
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