Van Zant, R. S., & Bouillon, L. E. (2002). Muscular strength responses to strength cycle ergometer training. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34(5), Supplement abstract 1127.
Muscular strength responses to strength cycle training were compared to standard Monarch cycle training in recreationally active adults (M = 9; F = 19). Ss were matched into groups and trained three times per week for nine weeks. A training session lasted from 25 to 45 minutes. Continuous 5-min intervals were pedaled at intensities of 65-85% HRmax. The strength group pedaled for two minutes in strength mode at goal intensity and three minutes in disengaged mode at goal intensity. The Monarch group's intervals consisted of three minutes at goal intensity and two minutes at goal intensity plus 30W.
There were no strength differences in the lower extremities between the two groups.
Implication. Strength cycle training provides no additional benefits over those derived from standard cycle ergometer training.
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