Dugan, E. L., Robertson, K. M., Hasson, C. J., Shim, J., Doan, B. K., Hakkinen, K., Kraemer, W. J., & Newton, R. U. (2002). Strength factors related to maximal power output during jump squats with an optimal load. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34(5), Supplement abstract 190.
Male collegiate volleyball players (N = 14) completed two testing protocols. One was a 1-RM squat testing session when a 7-10 RM load on a free weight barbell back squat was determined. The repeated squats were used to estimate 1 RM. Seven days later, sets of two jump squats were used to determine the optimal load for power output. Ss began with an unloaded bar and then used progressively heavier weights in subsequent sets until the load that produced maximum power output was determined.
There was no correlation between estimated 1 RM and either peak power or the optimal load at which peak power occurred. Significant negative correlations were recorded between total contact time and 1 RM and contact time and peak power during the squat jump.
Implication. There is no direct relationship between 1 RM (a measure of strength) and power output (a measure of power) in the jump squat.
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