Cheng, C. F., Lin, J. C., & Lin, L. C. (2003). Influences of plyometric training on power and power-endurance in high school basketball players. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 35(5), Supplement abstract 2063.
Male basketball players (N = 20; age 16-19 yr) were tested before and after a training period on counter movement jumps and continuous jumps on a force platform. A Wingate test was also performed and lactate levels at 5 and 30 minutes after the test were measured. All Ss completed a normal preseason basketball on-court training and weight training program. Half the group completed an eight-week plyometric training program while the other half acted as a no-plyometrics control.
The plyometric group improved significantly in peak and mean power on the Wingate test. There were no differences in lactate accrual pre- and post-treatment in both groups. The plyometric group produced significant increases in 1 RM half-squat strength, jump height, power, and velocity during the counter movement jumps. The control group improved only in 1 RM half-squat strength. There were no significant differences between the groups in numbers of jumps or fatigue indexes.
Implication. Plyometric training in late adolescent males improves power but not power-fatigue performances.
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