Carlson, L. A., DeBruin, J., Tuckow, A. P., Marelli, B. S., & Headley, S. (2004). Testosterone and cortisol responses following resistance exercise and carbohydrate supplementation. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36(5), Supplement abstract 2086.
The aim of this investigation was to examine the effects of high-volume resistance exercise on cortisol and testosterone responses, and determine whether or not the ingestion of carbohydrate could affect those endrocrine responses. Male track and field athletes (N = 9), with a minimum of two years of weightlifting experience, performed resistance exercise sessions: six sets of leg press and lat pull-downs, and six sets of bench press and leg curls. All exercises included two warm-up sets of 10 repetitions at 35% and 45% of 1 RM, and four sets of 10 repetitions at 55% of 1 RM. The exercises were performed with a 3:2 cadence followed by one minute of rest between sets. Average exercise session duration was 52.30 minutes. Following a counterbalanced double-blind research design, Ss consumed either a carbohydrate or placebo beverage (1 g/kg) before, during, and immediately following the weightlifting session
No treatment effects were observed for any of the analytes. Plasma lactate increased significantly from baseline to immediately post-exercise. Serum cortisol at 90 minutes into recovery was significantly lower than that at immediately post-exercise and baseline. Serum testosterone increased significantly immediately post-exercise compared to baseline. However, when the serum testosterone was corrected for plasma volume changes, there were no significant differences.
Implications. High-volume resistance exercise did not induce significant alterations in serum testosterone when corrected for plasma volume changes; however, serum cortisol declined at 90 minutes into recovery. Carbohydrate supplementation exerted no significant effects on serum testosterone or serum cortisol.
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