Basgier, M. K., Karkoska, B. W., & Grandjean, P. W. (2004). The effectiveness of half- vs. parallel-squat countermovement jump training on power indices in collegiate swimmers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36(5), Supplement abstract 398.
Collegiate swimmers (M = 10; F = 9) were assigned to two countermovement training groups. One group performed half-squats (45° squat jumps) and the other performed parallel-squats (90° squat jumps). Training consisted of 4 sets of 10 jumps, three days per week, for nine weeks. Measures were horizontal and vertical jumps, and peak power in a 30-sec Wingate test at weeks 0, 3, and 9.
Groups did not differ in measures. Both horizontal and vertical jumping increased significantly. Peak power on the Wingate test did not change.
Implication. Both forms of explosive training improve standard jumping tests. It is not known if any benefits were transferred to swimming performance. [The fact that Ss were swimmers is immaterial to the thesis of this investigation.]
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