Roecker, K., Striegel, H., & Dickhuth, H. H. (2003). Heart rate recommendations: Transfer between running and cycling exercise. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 24, 173-178.
This study investigated the relationship of heart rate in one form of exercise with heart rate in another form. Essentially, it tested if heart rate information from one activity could be used in another. Ss (M = 304; F = 67) underwent an incremental treadmill test and an incremental cycling ergometer test. Individual lactate thresholds were determined for each test.
Heart rate at individual lactate threshold or at 4 mmol/l did not relate between cycling and running. There were no specific gender related differences in heart rate, performance, or lactate increased between the two exercise types.
Implication. The reliability of heart rate recommendations will only be recognized if an appropriate sport-specific test is used.
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