Soungatoulin, V., Beam, W., Kersey, R., & Peterson, J. (2003). Comparative effects of traditional versus periodized intensity training on cycling performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 35(5), Supplement abstract 185.
"Most road cyclists train at a constant, high intensity throughout the year, using what we refer to as a "traditional" program" (p 35). Periodized training principles derived from strength training protocols were applied to training for road cycling. Trained male cyclists (N = 29) were tested before and after 16 weeks of training. The traditional group (N = 14) trained consistently. The periodized group (N = 15) used rest periods during the 16 weeks.
The periodized group was significantly faster in a time trial than the traditional group after training. Measures of physiological response were not significantly different.
Implication. Periodized training improves fitness and performance more than a constant traditional training program.
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