Pyne, D. B., Lee, H., & Swanwick, K. M. (2001). Monitoring the lactate threshold in world-ranked swimmers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33, 291-297.
This study determined whether lactate profiling could detect changes in discrete aspects of endurance fitness in world-ranked swimmers during a season. Australian national swimming team members (M = 8; F = 4) were evaluated using a 7 x 200-m incremental step test on four occasions: January (10 days before world championships), May (early-season camp), July (midseason), and August (16 days before the Commonwealth Games). Lactate threshold was calculated as a function of the slope and Y-intercept of the lactate velocity curve.
Results of the various evaluations for each study phase in the order described above, were:
Fitness indicators changed, as expected, with training phases. However, the fitness measures were not related to competitive performances, which did not change over the season.
While fitness measures and changes might be of interest to physiologists or physiologiphile coaches, they are not related to, that is relevant to, competitive swimming performance.
Implication. Physiological measures, particularly lactate profiles, are not related to competitive swimming performances.
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