Obert, P., Mandigout, M., Vinet, A., & Courteix, D. (2001). Efect of a 13-week aerobic training programme on the maximal power developed during a force-velocity test in prepubertal boys and girls. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 22, 442-446.
Boys and girls (10-11 yr), participating in physical education and outside-of-school physical activities, served as subjects. One group (M = 9; F = 8) participated in an extra one-hour aerobic training session twice a week for 13 weeks, while others (M = 8; F = 8) served as controls. A force-velocity test (an anaerobic test) was performed on a friction-loaded cycle ergometer. Experimental training consisted on one set of interval runs (intensity = 90+% of HRmax) and a continuous run (intensity = 75-80% of HRmax).
Maximal power increased significantly in the trained group even when muscle mass change was accounted for. The increase was due mainly to force production because velocity was not altered. No changes were noted in the control group.
It was concluded that aerobic training in prepubertal children actually altered the anaerobic performance factors of force and power production. [This finding coincides with the known phenomenon that any training form in prepubertal children generally changes both aerobic and anaerobic performance characteristics. At young ages, children's bodies do not seem to differentiate response or energy delivery mechanisms in training.]
Implication. Aerobic training in children influences anaerobic performance.
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