Rushall, B. S. (1968). Some practical applications of personality information
to athletics. A paper presented at the 2nd International Congress of
Sport Psychology, Washington.
Rushall, B. S. (1968). An evaluation of the relationship between personality
and physical performance categories. A paper presented at the 2nd International
Congress of Sport Psychology, Washington.
Rushall, B. S. (1969). A systems approach to analyzing the sport coaching
situation. An invited colloquium for the Graduate College Committee,
University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, La Crosse.
Pyke, F. S., & Rushall, B. S. (1969). A computer analysis of skills
of projecting objects - a practical tool for coaches. A paper presented
at the AAHPER National Convention, Boston.
Rushall, B. S. (1969). Some applications of psychology to swimming.
A Keynote address at the 6th Annual Swimming Symposium, Illinois State
Rushall, B. S. (1969). Some trends in swimming psychology. An invited
address at the National Coaches' Forum, Australian Swimming Union, Sydney.
Rushall, B. S. (1971). Behavior control in swimming. An invited
address for the Australian Sports Medicine Federation, Royal Alexandria
Hospital, Sydney.
Rushall, B. S. (1971). The environment as a significant source of variance
in the study of personality. A paper presented at the Third Canadian
Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology Symposium, Vancouver.
Rushall, B. S. (1971). Contemporary advances in sport coaching. An
invited address at the Second Annual Seminar of the Canadian Science Writers'
Association, Halifax.
Rushall, B. S. (1973). Applied behavior analysis for sports and physical
education. An invited address in the Motor Learning and Sport Psychology
General Session at the CAHPER National Convention, Calgary.
Rushall, B. S. (1973). Consultation procedures for sports psychologists.
A paper presented at the Third International Congress of Sport Psychology,
Rushall, B. S. (1973). Behavior patterns of coaches and athletes: a
preliminary study. A paper presented at the Third International Congress
of Sport Psychology, Madrid.
Rushall, B. S. (1973). A contemporary direction for sport psychology.
An invited address at the First Canadian Congress for the Multi-disciplinary
Study of Sport and Physical Activity, Montreal.
Rushall, B. S. (1973). The status of Canadian sport psychology. An
invited address at the First Canadian Congress for the Multi-disciplinary
Study of Sport and Physical Activity, Montreal.
Rushall, B. S. (1973). Two observational scales for sporting environments.
A paper presented at the Fifth Canadian Symposium for Psychomotor Learning
and Sport Psychology, Montreal.
Rushall, B. S. (1973). Trends in modern sport coaching. An invited
address to an assembly of coaches, Ennugu, East Central State, Nigeria.
Rushall, B. S. (1974). Applied psychology in sports. An invited
address at the National Technical Directors' Symposium, Ottawa.
Rushall, B. S. (1974). Applied psychology for sports. An invited
major address at the Sixth Canadian Symposium for Psychomotor Learning
and Sport Psychology, Halifax.
Rushall, B. S. (1974). A tool for new directions in sport personality
research: behavior inventories for swimmers. A paper presented at the
Sixth Canadian Symposium for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology,
Rushall, B. S. (1975). Motivational principles in the coaching of diving.
A keynote address at the 4th International Conference on Diving, Montreal.
Rushall, B. S. (1975). Alternative dependent variables for the study
of behavior in sport. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of
the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity,
Pennsylvania State University.
Rushall, B. S. (1975). Characteristics and concepts for age-group swimming.
An invited address for the Department of Youth and Tourism, Adelaide,
Rushall, B. S. (1975). Applied principles of interval training. A
keynote address at the National Coaches' Forum, Australian Swimming Union,
Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (1975). Motivational principles in the coaching of swimming.
A keynote address at the National Coaches' Forum, Australian Swimming
Union, Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (1975). Principles of applied coaching psychology. A
two-day course for the New South Wales Amateur Swimming Association, sponsored
by the Rothman's National Sport Foundation, Sydney.
Rushall, B. S. (1975). Race preparation and content. An invited
major address at the Swim Canada Seminar, Geneva Park.
Rushall, B. S. (1975). The scope of behavior modification for coaching.
School of HPER Colloquium Series, Indiana University.
Rushall, B. S. (1975). The psychological preparation of Canadian Olympic
performers. An invited major address for the Canada Week Program at
St. Lawrence University, New York.
Rushall, B. S. (1976). Lessons from Montreal. A three-day workshop
for the New South Wales Amateur Swimming Association, sponsored by the
Rothman's National Sport Foundation, Sydney, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (1976). The scope of psychological support services for
Canadian Olympic athletes. A paper presented at the Annual Conference
of the Australian Sports Medicine Federation, Surfers Paradise, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (1976). The team approach to the coaching of athletes.
A keynote address at the Post Olympic Symposium, Chateau Montebello,
Rushall, B. S. (1976). Motivation in swimming. A keynote address
at the Swim Canada Seminar, Geneva Park.
Rushall, B. S. (1976). Race strategy content. A keynote address
at the Swim Canada Seminar, Geneva Park.
Crossman, J., & Rushall, B. S. (1977). The effects of cognitive
strategies on the performance of athletes. A paper presented at the
AAHPER National Convention, Seattle.
Rushall, B. S. (1977). Psychological aids for rowing. An invited
major address at the National Rowing Seminar, Canadian Amateur Rowing Association,
Rushall, B. S. (1977). After Montreal. An invited major address
in the Canada Week Program at St. Lawrence University, New York.
Rushall, B. S., & Petrie, B. (1977). The interdisciplinary approach
to sports studies. Seminar presentation, St. Lawrence University, New
Rushall, B. S. (1977). Applied behavior analysis as a psychology for
practitioners. An invited major address at the Annual Conference of
the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity,
Ithaca College.
Rushall, B. S. (1977). The coach-athlete relationship. An invited
address at the Ninth Canadian Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology
Symposium, Banff.
Rushall, B. S., & Garvie, G. (1977). Psychological characteristics
of Canadian Olympic and non-Olympic wrestlers. A paper presented at
the Ninth Canadian Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology Symposium,
Rushall, B. S. (1977). Psychological characteristics of Canadian swimmers.
An invited address at the Swimming Coaches' Development Clinic, Canadian
Amateur Swimming Association, Haliburton.
Rushall, B. S. (1978). The scope of behavior analysis services for elite
athletic teams. An invited major thematic presentation at the Annual
Convention of the Midwestern Association of Behavior Analysis, Chicago.
Rushall, B. S. (1978). Observations of psychological support services
for elite sport teams. An invited major address at the Applied Sciences
in Sport Symposium, Toronto.
Rushall, B. S. (1978). Behavioral engineering: an introduction. A
thematic seminar at the Human Factors in Physical Performance Symposium,
Rushall, B. S. (1979). Psychology applied to sports. A colloquium
address to the School of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Rushall, B. S. (1979). Some recent trends in sports motivation. An
invited address to the Queensland Branch of the Australian Sports Medicine
Federation, Toowoomba, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (1979). Motivating the swimmer. An invited major
address at the Edmonton - Where from here? Symposium, New South Wales Amateur
Swimming Association, Sydney.
Rushall, B. S. (1979). The psychological preparation of Canadian Commonwealth
Games teams. An invited major address at the Edmonton - Where from
here? Symposium, New South Wales Amateur Swimming Association, Sydney.
Rushall, B. S. (1979). How to motivate the sports performer. Workshop/seminars
held in Perth, Bunbury, and Sydney; June and July, 1979, for the Australian
Council of Health, Physical Education and Recreation; the West Australian
Department of Youth, Sport, and Recreation; the Rothman's National Sport
Foundation; and the University of New South Wales.
Rushall, B. S. (1979). Psychological procedures for Olympic teams. An
invited seminar address for the Department of Human Movement Studies, University
of Western Australia, Perth.
Rushall, B. S. (1979). Athlete-centered problems prior to competition;
Orchestrating game momentum; and Procedures for competition preparation.
Invited major addresses at the Scientific Sport Symposium, Canadian
Volleyball Association, York University.
Rushall, B. S. (1979). Psychological procedures for urgent problems
at Games' competition sites. An invited address, National Technical
Directors' Seminar, Ottawa.
Rushall, B. S. (1979). Peaking athletes - the psychological perspective.
An invited address at the Sports Sciences Conference, University Hospital,
Rushall, B. S. (1979). The sports psychologist and the team. An
invited address at the Sports Sciences Conference, University Hospital,
Rushall, B. S. (1979). The psychology of competing: the prevention and
treatment of on-site problems. An invited major address at the 1979
National Coaches' Symposium, Ottawa.
Rushall, B. S. (1980). Coaching styles for various sports. An invited
address at the AAHPERD Annual Convention, Detroit.
Rushall, B. S. (1980). Competition preparation. A two-day workshop
conducted for the Shooting Federation of Canada, Toronto.
Rushall, B. S. (1980). Psychological features in competition preparation.
An invited address at the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning
and Sport Psychology Annual Conference, Vancouver.
Rushall, B. S. (1981). What should be expected of a coach? An invited
address at the Canberra College of Advanced Education, Canberra, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (1981). Motivation in swimming. An invited address
as part of Levels II and III Coaching Certification in Swimming, New South
Wales Amateur Swimming Association, Canberra.
Rushall, B. S. (1981). A systems approach to club organization and administration.
An invited address as part of Level III Coaching Certification in Swimming,
New South Wales Amateur Swimming Association, Canberra.
Rushall, B. S. (1981). On-site psychological preparations for athletes.
An invited address at the Fifth World Sport Psychology Congress, Ottawa.
Rushall, B. S. (1981). On-site intervention techniques for athlete preparations.
A workshop, Fifth World Sport Psychology Congress, Ottawa.
Rushall, B. S. (1981). Psychological and behavioral skills for effective
coaching. Keynote address at the Symposium on Sport Psychology, University
of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Rushall, B. S. (1981). Principles for elite coaching. An invited
address at the Symposium on Sport Psychology, University of Stellenbosch,
South Africa.
Rushall, B. S. (1981). Directions for effective sport coaching. An
invited symposium at the University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Rushall, B. S. (1981). The impact of the psychology of physical activity
on sport and physical education in the year 2000. A keynote address
at the Second International Symposium on Research in Sport and Recreation,
Physical Activity and Recreation: A Strategy for 2000, Potchefstroom University
for Higher Christian Education, South Africa.
Rushall, B. S. (1981). Motivational principles in the coaching and teaching
of physical activities. An invited address at the Second International
Symposium on Research in Sport and Recreation, Physical Activity and Recreation:
A strategy for 2000, Potchefstroom University for Higher Christian Education,
South Africa.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). Coaching effectiveness: behavioral evidence.
An invited address at the Symposium on Behavioral Athletics, Applied
Behavior Analysis Convention, Milwaukee.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). National lecture tour of Australia under
the auspices of the Confederation of Australian Sport and supported by
the appropriate state government departments of Victoria, Queensland, and
South Australia, and the Rothman's National Sport Foundation.
Workshop Topics
Applied psychology for coaches.
How to motivate the sports performer.
Psychological actions for athletes to enhance their performance.
Psychological procedures for competition preparations.
Melbourne, 2-4 July, 1982.
Sydney, 9-11 July, 1982.
Brisbane, 16-18 July, 1982.
Adelaide, 31 July - 1 August, 1982.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). Applied psychological principles for increasing
coaching/teaching effectiveness. An invited address at the Phillip
Institute of Technology, Victoria.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). Psychological aspects of performance enhancement
in combative sports. An invited address at the Olympic Solidarity Seminar
of the Judo Federation of Australia at Power House, Victoria, sponsored
by the International Olympic Council.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). Performance thought content. An invited address
to the Amateur Pistol Shooting Union of Australia, at Caulfield Institute
of Technology, Victoria.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). Psychological actions for athletes to enhance
their performance. An invited public address for the Australian Council
for Health and Physical Education, Canberra.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). Measurement in sport psychology. An invited
lecture series in the Sport Studies Program at the Canberra College of
Advanced Education, Canberra.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). What to think of while performing. An invited
address at the Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra.
Rushall, B. S., & Gotts, G. H. (1982). The arousal-performance relationship
in elite athletes - a theoretical interpretation. A paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Australian Psychological Society, Melbourne.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). Future directions for coaching elite athletes:
seven principles. A keynote address presented at the Psychological
Skills and Attributes in Sport - How are They Developed? Symposium, University
of Winnipeg.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). Pre-competitive and competitive strategies. An
invited full-day workshop presented at the Psychological Skills and Attributes
in Sport - How are They Developed? Symposium, University of Winnipeg.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). What coaches do - behavioral evidence. A
paper presented at the Annual Symposium of the Canadian Society for Psychomotor
Learning and Sport Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). The content of competition thinking - strategies.
An invited address at the Annual Symposium of the Canadian Society
for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). Athlete-centered problems that affect competition
performances. A keynote address at the National Coaches' Seminar, Coaching
Association of Canada, Mont. St. Marie.
Rushall, B. S. (1982). Pre-competition and competition strategies I
and II. Invited workshops conducted at the National Coaches' Seminar,
Coaching Association of Canada, Mont. St. Marie.
Rushall, B. S. (1983). A practical approach to the psychology of sport.
An invited two-day workshop sponsored by Sport in Perspective, Inc.
and York University, York University, January.
Rushall, B. S. (1983). Think and act like a champion. A three-hour
seminar/workshop as part of a National Lecture Tour of Australia for the
Australian Amateur Rowing Council. Seminar sites: Sydney, Melbourne, and
Perth, April.
Rushall, B. S. (1983). The psychology of successful rowing racing. A
keynote address at the Olympic Solidarity Seminar, Perth, Australia, conducted
by the Australian Amateur Rowing Association, sponsored by the International
Olympic Council.
Jones, G. J., Rushall, B. S., & Howald, H. (1983). Talent identification.
An invited symposium conducted at the University of Western Australia,
Rushall, B. S. (1983). Motivational factors influencing physical activity
participation. A keynote address at the International Sports Science
Conference, Singapore, May.
Rushall, B. S. (1983). Athlete psychological profiles: useful measurement
techniques. A keynote address at the International Sports Science Conference,
Singapore, May.
Rushall, B. S. & Lavoie, N. F. (1983). A call to re-focus serious
sport training. An invited address presented by N. F. Lavoie at the
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, Thunder Bay,
Rushall, B. S. (1983). Think and act like a champion. An invited
workshop as part of the SUN Sport Psychology Series, Toronto, June.
Rushall, B. S. (1983). Psychological features applied to ski-jumping.
An invited address at the National Coaches' Seminar, Canadian Ski Association,
Thunder Bay.
Rushall, B. S. (1984). Applied psychology for winter sports. An
invited workshop presented at the Sixteenth Banff International Conference
on Behavioral Sciences, Banff.
Rushall, B. S. (1984). Psychological considerations for competition
preparation in cross-country skiing. An invited two-day workshop, National
Coaches Symposium, Canadian Ski Association, Saskatoon.
Rushall, B. S. (1984). Elite athlete performance improvement through
thought control - Experimental evidence. An invited address, School
of HPER Colloquium, Indiana University.
Rushall, B. S. (1984). The effect of three selected cognitive patterns
on rowing ergometer performance. A paper presented at the Kingston
'84 Annual Symposium of the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and
Sport Psychology, Kingston.
Rushall, B. S. (1984). Pressure in Olympic athletes - Measurement and
four case studies. A paper presented at the Kingston '84 Annual Symposium
of the Canadian Society for Psychomotor learning and Sport Psychology,
Sherman, C. A., & Rushall, B. S. (1985). Self-perceived pressure
levels of athletes. A paper presented at the Australian Behavior Modification
Conference, Melbourne, May.
Rushall, B. S. (1985). Goals, goal-setting, and performance in swimmers.
An invited address at the Canadian Elite Swimming Coaches' Seminar,
Canadian Amateur Swimming Association, Vancouver, May.
Rushall, B. S. (1985). Goals, goal-setting and performance - Improving
athlete motivation through mind-set. An invited 3-hour workshop sponsored
by the Canberra College of Advanced Education, The Australian Institute
of Sport, The Department of Territories, and the Australian Council for
Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Canberra, June.
Rushall, B. S. (1985). The psychological strategies for pre-competition
and competition states in athletes. An invited 2-day workshop conducted
for the National Coaches' Seminar, Coaches' Association of New Zealand,
Wellington, June.
Rushall, B. S. (1985). The usefulness of mental preparation strategies
in sports performance; and Coach, athlete and the sport psychologist.
Two invited addresses at the Sports Psychology Institute, University
of Southern Maine, 9-10 August.
Rushall, B. S. (May, 1986). Invited Canadian lecture tour for Cross
Country Canada.
Goals and Goal-setting, Canadian Cross-country Ski Team, Vernon,
British Columbia; 16 May.
Think and Act Like a Champion, British Columbia Ski Association,
Vernon, British Columbia; 17 May.
Think and Act Like a Champion, Cross Country Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta; 18 May.
The Psychology of Successful Cross-country Ski Racing, Cross Country
Alberta; 19 May.
Think and Act Like a Champion, Saskatchewan Ski Association, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan; 20 May.
The Psychology of Successful Competing, Saskatchewan Sport Governing
Bodies, Regina, Saskatchewan; 21 May.
Think and Act Like a Champion, Manitoba Ski Association, Winnipeg,
Manitoba; 22 May.
The Psychology of Successful Cross-country Ski Racing, Manitoba
Ski Association, Winnipeg, Manitoba; 23 May.
Think and Act Like a Champion; and The Psychology of Successful
Competing, National Capital Ski Division, Ottawa, Ontario; 24 May.
Think and Act Like a Champion; and The Psychology of Successful
Competing, Northern Ontario Ski Division, Sudbury, Ontario, 25 May.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1986). A psychology of fitness. A keynote
address presented at the International Symposium on Research in Sport and
Recreation National Congress, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1986). Program considerations for training superior
athletes. A keynote address presented at the International Symposium
on Research in Sport and Recreation National Congress, Johannesburg, South
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1986). South African lecture tour, June 1986.
The psychology of successful competing. Invited workshop presented
at University of Stellenbosch, 16 June; University of Natal, 19 June; and
University of Pretoria, 24 June.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1986). Performance thoughts - the next sporting
frontier. An invited lecture, School of Medicine, University of Cape
Town, South Africa, 17 June.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1986). Thresholds for sport psychology. An
invited lecture, Sport Centre, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South
Africa, 23 June.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1986). Think and act like a champion; and
Race strategy preparation. Invited addresses to the Western Development
Camp, Cross Country Canada, Lake Louise, Alberta.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1986). Thought processes in skiing. An invited
address to the National Ski Team of Canada, Panorama, British Columbia.
Rushall, B. S. (September, 1986). Psychological procedures for enhancing
the performance of athletes. An invited keynote address at the XXIII
FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Brisbane, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (September, 1986). Specific thought content effects upon
athletic performance. An invited address at the XXIII FIMS World Congress
of Sports Medicine, Brisbane, Australia.
Rushall, B. S., & Roaf, W. A. McF. (September, 1986). Physiological,
sociological and psychological responses of training-adapted talented age-group
swimmers under three levels of training stress. A paper presented at
the XXIII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Brisbane, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (September, 1986). The psychology of successful competing.
An invited keynote workshop for the International Sport Coaches' Conference,
Brisbane, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (October, 1986). On-site intervention techniques for
athlete preparation. An invited workshop for the First Annual Conference
of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, Jekyll
Island, Georgia.
Rushall, B. S. (January, 1987). Meet the press. An invited workshop
for elite Canadian skiers and staffs at the Pre-Olympic Cross-country Ski
Competitions, Canmore, Alberta.
Rushall, B. S. (March, 1987). Pressure in cross-country skiers. An
invited presentation at the Coaches' Symposium, Canadian Junior Cross-country
Ski Championships, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.
Rushall, B. S. (March, 1987). Goal-setting for cross-country skiers.
An invited presentation at the Coaches' Symposium, Canadian Junior
Cross-country Ski Championships, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.
Faucette, F. N., & Rushall, B. S. (April, 1987). The effects of
intermittent peer-feedback on teaching behaviors of student physical education
teachers. A poster presentation made by Dr. Faucette at the Annual
Convention of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation,
and Dance, Las Vegas, Nevada.
An invited presentation at the Intervention Techniques in Sport Psychology
Workshop, North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity
1987 Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1987). Behavior characteristics of champions.
The keynote address at the IV Medicine and Sport Congress, Barcelona,
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1987). Evidence of the theoretical bases for a
psychology of competition preparation. An invited workshop, IV Medicine
and Sport Congress, Barcelona, Spain.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1987). The preparation of elite athletes for competitions.
An invited workshop, IV Medicine and Sport Congress, Barcelona, Spain.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1987). Psychological testing and monitoring of
elite skiers. An invited address at the Cross-country Coaches' Seminar,
Annual Meeting of the Federation Internationale de Ski, Calgary, Canada.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1987). Competition thought control for elite skiers.
An invited address at the Cross-country Coaches' Seminar, Annual Meeting
of the Federation Internationale de Ski, Calgary, Canada.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1987). Advances in cognitive control in sports.
An invited graduate student and staff seminar, University of Wollongong,
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1987). Training and overtraining in skiing.
An invited address to the Western Developmental Ski Team of Cross Country
Canada, Canmore, Alberta.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1987). The preparation of elite skiers for competitions.
An invited workshop for the 1988 Olympic Ski Team, Cross Country Canada,
Panorama, British Columbia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1987). Actions to increase the positive aspects
of skiing. An invited workshop for the 1988 Olympic Ski Team, Cross
Country Canada, Panorama, British Columbia.
Rushall, B. S. (September, 1987). Consultant perspectives on what does
and doesn't work. An invited address at the Sport Psychology Workshop,
Sharing the process of being effective, sponsored by Sport Canada, Ottawa.
Rushall, B. S., McKenzie, T. L, & Wurzer, D. (September, 1987). Real
solutions to real problems: Using intrasubject designs in sport settings.
A workshop presented at the Second Annual Conference, Association for
the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, Newport, California.
Rushall, B. S. (November, 1987). Recent innovations in teaching skills.
Keynote address, Pan American Coaches' Conference, Olympic Solidarity
Seminar, Field Hockey Association of America, Colorado Springs.
Rushall, B. S. (January, 1988). The Skiing Psychology Consultation System.
An invited address at the Coaches' Seminar held in conjunction with
the Canadian Cross-country Skiing Championships, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1988). What to expect of coaches. Keynote
address at the State Coaching Directors' Workshop, New South Wales Government,
Department of Sport, Recreation, and Racing, NSW Academy of Sport, Narrabeen,
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1988). Think and act like a champion. An invited
address, Elite Coaches' Seminar, New South Wales Government, Department
of Sport, Recreation, and Racing, Sydney, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1988). Psychological preparation for serious competition.
An invited public workshop, NSW Academy of Sport, Homebush, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1988). Pressure and performance. Keynote address,
Bicentennial International ESSO Netball Seminar for Coaches and Umpires,
Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1988). Successful competing. Invited workshop,
Bicentennial International ESSO Netball Seminar for Coaches and Umpires,
Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1988). Measuring and understanding the individual
needs of players. Invited address, Bicentennial International ESSO
Netball Seminar for Coaches and Umpires, Australian Institute of Sport,
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1988). Mental imagery in netball. Invited
address, Bicentennial International ESSO Netball Seminar for Coaches and
Umpires, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1988). Long-term motivation in netball. Closing
keynote address, Bicentennial International ESSO Netball Seminar for Coaches
and Umpires, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1988). Recent additions to the SPORT PSYCHOLOGY
CONSULTATION SYSTEM. Invited lecture, St. George Institute of Education,
Sydney College of Advanced Education, Oatley, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1988). Training theory and psychological measurement.
Invited public lecture, Illawara Academy of Sport, Wollongong, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1988). Think and act like a champion. Invited
public workshop, Illawara Academy of Sport, Wollongong, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (February, 1989). Instructional factors in rowing. Five
invited workshop presentations at the National Coaching Institute Seminar
for Rowing Coaches, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada.
Rushall, B. S. (March, 1989). Psychology and sporting performance. Keynote
address at the XXI Banff International Conference on Behavioural Science,
Psychology, Sport and Health Promotion, Banff, Canada.
Rushall, B. S. (March, 1989). Computer analysis in sport psychology.
An invited workshop at the XXI Banff International Conference on Behavioural
Science, Psychology, Sport and Health Promotion, Banff, Canada.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1989). Think and act like a champion. An invited
workshop sponsored by the North West Regional Office, NSW Department of
Sport and Recreation, Tamworth, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1989). Goal-setting for performance enhancement
in sports. An invited workshop sponsored by the Hunter Regional Office,
NSW Department of Sport and Recreation, Newcastle, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1989). Goal-setting for performance enhancement
in sports. An invited workshop sponsored by the Western Regional Office,
NSW Department of Sport and Recreation, Orange, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1989). The psychological preparation for serious
competition. An invited workshop sponsored by the Central/Northern
Metropolitan Regional Office, NSW Department of Sport and Recreation, Homebush,
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1989). Think and act like a champion. An invited
workshop sponsored by the Central/Northern Metropolitan Regional Office,
NSW Department of Sport and Recreation, Homebush, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1989). Think and act like a champion. An invited
workshop sponsored by the Riverina Regional Office, NSW Department of Sport
and Recreation, Wagga Wagga, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1989). Think and act like a champion. An invited
workshop sponsored by the Riverina Regional Office, NSW Department of Sport
and Recreation, Albury, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1989). Sport psychology - the key to excellence.
An invited public address sponsored by the ACT Academy of Sport and
the Centre for Sports Studies, Canberra College of Advanced Education,
Canberra, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1989). Sport psychology - the key to excellence.
The congress keynote address, 7th World Congress of Sport Psychology,
Rushall, B. S., Anshel, M., & Martin, M. B. (August, 1989). Assessing
athletes in the practical setting. An invited symposium at the 7th
World Congress of Sport Psychology, Singapore.
Martin, M. B., & Rushall, B. S. (August, 1989). The effects of thought
intensification instruction on rowing ergometer performance. A free
communication at the 7th World Congress of Sport Psychology, Singapore.
Rushall, B. S. (November, 1989). The assessment of the athlete. A
keynote address at the 18th FISA Coaches' Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Rushall, B. S. (November, 1989). The key to unlock performance. A
keynote address at the 18th FISA Coaches' Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Rushall, B. S., & Buzan, A. (November, 1989). In the competitive
environment. An invited interactional address at the 18th FISA Coaches'
Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Rushall, B. S. (March, 1990). Quelques aspects de la preparation psychologique
des athletes feminines de haut niveau. The keynote address at the La
femme...Le sport de haut niveau...Pourquoi...? Pourquoi pas...! Colloquium,
sponsored by the Comite Olympique et Interfederal Belge and Douwe Egberts,
Brussels, Belgium.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1990). What to expect from coaches and Athlete-centered
problems that affect competition performance. Two invited workshops for
coaches, Landelijke Commissie Kadervorming, University of Leuven, Leuven,
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1990). Psychological assistance for the top-flight
athlete. An invited presentation for the Belgian Association of Sport
Psychologists, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1990). What to expect from coaches. An invited
workshop for the Olympic Coaches' Congress, Comite Olympique et Interfederal
Belge, Brussels, Belgium.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1990). Think and act like a champion. An invited
workshop for the National Coaching Centre, Moray House College of Education,
sponsored by Reebok, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1990). The content of competition strategies.
An invited workshop for the National Coaching Centre, Moray House College
of Education, sponsored by Reebok, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1990). Competition preparation for elite athletes.
An invited two-day workshop for the National Coaching Centre, Moray
House College of Education, sponsored by Reebok, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1990). Think and act like a champion. An invited
workshop presented at Kelvin Hall, The University of Glasgow, sponsored
by Reebok, Glasgow, Scotland.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). Contemporary topics in sports training.
An invited lecture, Department of Sports and Recreation Coaches and
Directors, Sydney, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). The theory and measurement of overtraining
and fatigue in sports. An invited workshop sponsored by the Western
Regional Office, NSW Department of Sport and Recreation and the Western
NSW Academy of Sport, at Sturt University, Bathurst, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). How athletes are motivated to produce
elite performance. An invited colloquium, Centre for Sports Studies,
University of Canberra, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). Measuring coaching psychology effects.
An invited address, Centre for Sports Studies, University of Canberra,
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). The role of parents in sports. An
invited address, ACT Academy of Sport, University of Canberra, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). The content of competition strategies.
An invited workshop sponsored by the South-east Office, NSW Department
of Sport and Recreation and the St. George Academy of Sport, at the University
of New South Wales, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). Think and act like a champion. An
invited workshop, sponsored by the Illawara Office, NSW Department of Sport
and Recreation, the Illawara Mercury, and the Illawara Academy of
Sport, at the University of Wollongong, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). The psychological basis of overtraining.
An invited coaches' colloquium, Victorian Institute of Sport, Jolimont,
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). Coaching time - a psychological approach.
A keynote address at the Time to Coach Elite Juniors Seminar, Victoria
College Rusden Campus, Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). What to expect from coaches. An invited
workshop, sponsored by the Newcastle Office, NSW Department of Sport and
Recreation and the Hunter Academy of Sport, Newcastle, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). The content of competition strategies.
An invited workshop sponsored by the Northern Office, NSW Department
of Sport and Recreation and the North Coast Academy of Sport, Port MacQuarie,
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). The content of competition strategies.
An invited workshop sponsored by the Northern Office, NSW Department
of Sport and Recreation and the North Coast Academy of Sport, Lismore,
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1990). Modern training theory - its implication
for sports programs. An invited colloquium, University of New England,
Lismore, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (January, 1991). Adherence to exercise: lessons from
champion athletes. An invited address at the Second Annual Behavioral
Medicine Conference: How to "Just Do It": Motivating People to Exercise
in the 1990s. San Diego: San Diego State University.
Rushall, B. S. (January, 1991). Exercise interventions for clinical
populations: Lessons from champion athletes. An invited workshop at
the Second Annual Behavioral Medicine Conference: How to "Just Do It":
Motivating People to Exercise in the 1990s. San Diego: San Diego State
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1991). Designing instructional systems. An
invited address at the Physical Education Discipline Seminar, California
State University Institute on Learning and Teaching, San Pedro, California.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1991). Athlete self-monitoring tools and their
use in coaching. An invited coaches' colloquium, Victorian Institute
of Sport, Jolimont, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (May, 1991). Measuring and understanding psychological
components in swimmers. An invited keynote address at the XIth Annual
Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (May, 1991). What is expected of coaches. An invited
workshop at the XIth Annual Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Conference,
Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (May, 1991). The content of competition strategies. An
invited workshop at the XIth Annual Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers
Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (May, 1991). Sport science update. An invited address
at the XIth Annual Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Conference,
Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1991). Exact training stimuli for performance
enhancement. An invited address to the NSW State Coaches and Coaching
Coordinators, NSW Government, Department of Sport, Recreation, and Racing.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1991). Sports science update. An invited public
workshop, sponsored by the Illawara Office, NSW Department of Sport, Recreation
and Racing, the Illawara Mercury, and the Illawara Academy of Sport, at
the University of Wollongong, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). Think and act like a champion. An
invited public workshop sponsored by the Western Regional Office of the
NSW Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing, Dubbo, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). The preparation of country athletes for
state and/or national events. An invited public workshop sponsored
by the Northwest Regional Office of the NSW Department of Sport, Recreation
and Racing, Tamworth, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). New methods for sports training. An
invited public workshop sponsored by the Northwest Regional Office of the
NSW Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing, Armidale, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). The content of competition strategies.
An invited public workshop sponsored by the North Coast Regional Office
of the NSW Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing, Coffs Harbour, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). The content of competition strategies.
An invited public workshop sponsored by the North Coast Regional Office
of the NSW Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing, Tweed Heads, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). Self-assessment tools in sport psychology
- their relevance for the coach. An invited public workshop sponsored
by the University of New South Wales, St. George Campus, Oatley, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). The content of competition strategies.
An invited public workshop sponsored by the Western Metropolitan Office
of the NSW Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing, University of Western
Sydney, Kingswood Campus, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). Mind-training for sports. An invited
workshop for NSW State Coaches sponsored by the NSW Academy of Sport, Narrabeen,
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). Team sport training. An invited public
workshop sponsored by the Southwest Metropolitan Regional Office of the
NSW Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing, and the University of Western
Sydney, Milperra Campus, Milperra, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). The theory and measurement of overtraining
and fatigue in sports. An invited public workshop sponsored by the
Central Coast Office of the NSW Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing,
Gosford, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). Team sport training. An invited public
workshop sponsored by the Riverina Regional Office of the NSW Department
of Sport, Recreation and Racing, Albury, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). Strength training. An invited public
workshop sponsored by the Riverina Regional Office of the NSW Department
of Sport, Recreation and Racing, Wagga Wagga, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1991). Sport science update. An invited
public workshop sponsored by the Southeast Metropolitan Office of the NSW
Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing, Mascot, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1992). Think and act like a champion. An invited
workshop presented to scholarship athletes and staff of the Victorian Institute
of Sport, Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1992). Developing successful competition strategies
in individual and team sports. An invited workshop sponsored by the
Victorian Institute of Sport and the Ballarat Regional Sport Assembly,
Ballarat, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1992). Developing successful competition strategies
in individual and team sports. An invited workshop sponsored by the
Victorian Institute of Sport and the Loddon-Compaspe Sports Assembly, Bendigo,
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1992). Think and act like a champion. An invited
workshop sponsored by the Victorian Institute of Sport, Victorian Institute
of Technology, and the Western Region Sports Assembly, Footscray, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1992). Developing successful competition strategies
in individual and team sports. An invited workshop sponsored by the
Victorian Institute of Sport and the Barwon Region Sports Assembly, Geelong,
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1992). Developing successful competition strategies
in individual and team sports. An invited workshop sponsored by the
Victorian Institute of Sport and the Goulburn Valley Sports Assembly, Shepparton,
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1992). Lessons from sport for the business world.
An invited workshop for the Cumberland Newspaper Group, Parramatta,
Rushall, B. S. (October, 1992). After 30 years of behaviorism: Mental
skills training for sports. A symposium presented at the Annual Conference
of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, Colorado
Springs, Colorado.
Rushall, B. S., & Cappaert, J. M. (April, 1993). Contemporary advances
in technique. A symposium presented for the New South Wales Swimming
Association, Kensington, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1993). How to coach mental skills: Programming
psychology. A symposium presented for the New South Wales Academy of
Sport sponsored by the National Coaching Certification Programme, Narrabeen,
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1993). Various topics on the coaching of swimming
according to the syllabus of Level 2 Coaching Accreditation Program. New
South Wales Academy of Sport, Narrabeen, Australia.
Lippman, L. G., & Rushall, B. S. (June, 1993). The role of imagery
in skill development. Paper presented at the 2nd Maccabiah-Wingate
International Congress on Sport and Coaching Sciences, Wingate Institute,
Rushall, B. S., & Cappaert, J. M. (July, 1993). Technique priorities
for advanced swimmers. An invited seminar at the New South Wales Country
Swimming Championships, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia.
Rushall, B. S., & Cappaert, J. M. (July, 1993). Recent developments
in swimming coaching. An invited seminar on behalf of the North Coast
District of the New South Wales Swimming Association, Ballina, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1993). Mental skills training for coaching in
the 1990s. The inaugural Annual Brent Rushall Lecture in Human Movement
Studies, The University of Western Sydney, Macarthur, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1993). Sport psychology in the 1990s. An
invited colloquium presented to the Department of Psychology, The University
of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (January, 1994). Scientific swimming for the 21st century.
A 3-day Level 2 Coaching Accreditation Program in swimming. Tweed Heads,
NSW, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (January, 1994). Advances in backstroke technique. A
workshop presented to the ACT coaches, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra.
Rushall, B. S. (January, 1994). Parental concerns in swimming. An
address to the ACT Region of NSW Swimming Association Inc., Australian
Institute of Sport, Canberra.
Rushall, B. S. (May, 1994). Some psychological considerations for US
national swimming teams. An invited presentation at the US Swimming
National Team Coaches Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1994). Scientific swimming for the 21st century.
A 3-day Level 2 Coaching Accreditation Program in swimming. Lavington,
NSW, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1994). Analysis of underwater video records. Conducted
at the New South Wales State Squad training camps, Rooty Hill, New South
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1994). Basic technical features of good swimming.
Coaches' workshop at the Weekend Coaches and Swimmers Camp, South Coast
and Tablelands Swimming Association, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1994). The latest trends in competitive swimming
and The biomechanics of swimming strokes. Two invited papers presented
at the SUNRICE Super Clinic, Tamworth, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1994). Latest trends in competitive swimming techniques.
Coaches' workshop at the Clinic for Coaches, Swimmers, and Parents,
Ballina, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1994). Principles of swimming to guide parents.
Invited presentation to the general public: Clinic for Coaches, Swimmers,
and Parents, Ballina, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1994). New theories in training. Invited
public lecture for the Victorian Coaching Centre, Sport and Recreation
Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (October, 1994). Performance enhancement consultations:
three case studies. A colloquium presented at the Ninth Annual Conference
of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, Incline
Village, California.
Rushall, B. S. (October, 1994). Psychological concepts for national
team members. An address given to athletes attending the National A
and B Swimming Teams' Camp, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Rushall, B. S. (October, 1994). Developing successful pre-race focusing
strategies in swimming. An address given to athletes attending the
Pan American Games Swimming Team Camp, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Rushall, B. S. (November, 1994). Think and act like a champion. An
invited workshop given to athletes attending the National Junior Swimming
Teams' Camp, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Rushall, B. S. (January, 1995). Championship preparations - 22 days
of swimming excellence. A workshop given to selected athletes and parents
associated with the Forbes and Ursula Carlile Swimming Organization, Sydney,
Rushall, B. S. (March, 1995). How to develop healthy attitudes towards
racing in age-group swimmers. Invited plenary address, National Age-group
Swimming Coaches' Conference, US Swimming, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Rushall, B. S. (March, 1995). Assessing coaching effectiveness. Invited
plenary address, National Age-group Swimming Coaches' Conference, US Swimming,
Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1995). Think and act Like a champion. Invited
3-hour workshop for the Far North Coast Region of the New South Wales Department
of Sport and Recreation, at Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1995). What is expected of a representative swimmer.
Invited seminar for the Far North Coast Swimming Association Inc.,
Ballina, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1995). 1995 Norco Far North Coast Achievers Swimming
Squad - Ballina Clinic. Clinic Conductor for a 2-day meeting for the
Far North Coast Swimming Association Inc., Ballina, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (July, 1995). Concepts for evaluating elite athletes.
An invited 3-hour seminar for the Center for Sports Studies, University
of Canberra, Belconnen, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1995). Psychological aspects in the national
team program. Invited 2-hour lecture at the Women's Training Camp,
US Canoe and Kayak Team, Arco Training Center, Chula Vista, California.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1995). The practical implementation of a mental
skills training program. Invited 3-hour workshop at the 1995 Senior
Coaches' College, US Swimming, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1995). Precompetition and competition strategies.
Invited 3-hour workshop at the 1995 Senior Coaches' College, US Swimming,
Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Rushall, B. S. (January, 1996). Kinematics in swimming. An invited
address to the Arizona Swim Coaches' Association, Phoenix Swim Club, Phoenix,
Rushall, B. S. (January, 1996). Force production in crawl stroke. An
invited address to the Arizona Swim Coaches' Association, Northern Arizona
University, Flagstaff, Arizona.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1996). Activities that work for a sport psychologist.
An invited colloquium presented at the Moray House Institute of Education,
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1996). Some practical applications of psychology
in physical activity settings. An invited keynote addresses presented
at the Korean Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and
Dance Congress, Olympic Park, Seoul, Korea.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 1996). Some determinants in human competitive
performances: A psychological perspective. An invited keynote address
presented at the Korean Society of Sport Psychology Summer Seminar, Olympic
Park, Seoul, Korea.
Rushall, B. S. (September, 1996). Features of crawl stroke instruction
for coaching junior swimmers. A paper presented at the 1996 ASCA World
Clinic, San Diego, California.
Rushall, B. S. (January, 1997). Physical and mental strategies for swimming
competitions. A workshop presented to clients and staff of the Forbes
and Ursula Carlile Swimming Organization of Sydney, at Forestville, New
South Wales, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1997). Consulting with elite athletes and national
teams. A colloquium presented to the School of Health, Physical Education,
and Recreation at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana on the occasion
of receiving the Willard W. Patty Distinguished Alumni Award presented
by the Indiana University School of HPER Alumni Association.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1997). The Internet and coaching. A presentation
to an assembly of coaches and technical directors, sponsored by the Victorian
Government Department of Sport and Recreation, conducted at the Victorian
Institute of Sport, Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (September, 1997). Performance goal-setting: The integration
of intermediate sequential goal-attainment with congruent feedback.
A colloquium conducted at the 1997 Annual Conference of the Association
for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, San Diego, California.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1998). Basic training principles for pre-pubertal
swimmers. A public symposium presented for the Aristotelian University
of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1998). Recent trends in coaching elite swimmers.
A public symposium presented for the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki,
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1998). Better coaching from better information:
Tools to increase coaching effectiveness. Coaching Update Seminar sponsored
by the Victorian Coaching Center and Deakin University, Deakin University,
Victoria, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1998). Thoughts and experiences with internet
journals. A faculty colloquium, School of Human Movement, Deakin University,
Victoria, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (August, 1998). Drugs in sport: Advances in the fight.
Panelist at the public forum sponsored by the Australian Sports Medicine
Association, held at the Cumberland Campus of Sydney University, New South
Wales, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (November, 1998). Coaching on the Internet. A workshop
presented via the Internet from San Diego at the Sports Coach 1998 Convention
in Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (December, 1998). Competition preparation for elite swimmers.
A two-day workshop sponsored by the Federacao Portuguesa de Natacao, held
at the National Stadium, Lisbon, Portugal.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1999). Graduate student use of the Internet.
An invited presentation to the assemblage of graduate students in Physical
Education and Sports Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Rushall, B. S., (April, 1999). Distance learning models for use in exercise
science. An invited presentation to the faculty and staff of the Department
of Physical Education and Sports Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Rushall, B. S. (April, 1999). Assessment tools, motivation, and demotivation
factors in coaching. Nine hours of invited lectures to students enrolled
in the Coaching Team Sports track of the Inter University Graduate Program
in Physical Education and Sports Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Rushall, B. S. (May, 1999). Some psychological factors for promoting
exceptional athletic performance. The Psi Chi National Honor Society
in Psychology Distinguished Lecture, Western Psychological Association
79th Annual Convention, Irvine, California.
Rushall, B. S. (May, 1999). Coaching via the Internet. An invited
address to a gathering of sport coaches, Victorian Institute of Sport,
Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (September, 1999). I Clinic de Natacao de Rio Maior.
A two-day clinic on swimming technique for the Escola Superior de Desporto
de Rio Maior, Instituto Politecnico de Santarem, Portugal.
Rushall, B. S. (September, 1999). O que se espera de um nadador representativo
de alto rendimento, a public colloquium presented for the Escola Superior
de Desporto de Rio Maior, Instituto Politecnico de Santarem, Portugal.
Rushall, B. S. (December, 1999). Distance education models for coaching.
An invited address at the International Coach Education Conference, hosted
by the International Council for Coach Education and the Australian Coaching
Council, University of New South Wales, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (January 2000). Coaching tools to increase coaching effectiveness.
A public seminar sponsored by the Federacao Portuguesa de Natacao and the
Laboratorio de Optimizacao do Rendimento Desportivo, Faculdade de Motricidade
Humana, at the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Rushall, B. S. (February, 2000). Two distance-education models -- Better
or worse than normal classroom teaching? A refereed paper presented
at The Sixth California State University Symposium on University Teaching,
CSU, San Marcos.
Rushall, B. S. (March, 2000). Better coaching from better information:
Tools to increase coaching effectiveness. An invited sport psychology
lecture, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 2000). Decision-making tools for increasing coaching
effectiveness. A public seminar presented at UNITEC: Institute of Technology,
Auckland, New Zealand.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 2000). Distance education models for sport and coaching science. A public seminar presented at UNITEC: Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Rushall, B. S. (November, 2000). Exchange program opportunities at SDSU for faculty. A faculty presentation at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (November, 2000). Study at SDSU. A public presentation to students and faculty at the University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
Rushall, B. S. (April, 2001). Exercise and nutritional sciences at SDSU. A public presentation to students and faculty at the University of Abertay Dundee, Dundee, Scotland.
Weingarden, S., Borys, J., Baltes, B., Burroughs, W., Hebl, M., Libkuman, T., & Rushall, B. (April, 2001). Can I come over and play? I/O meets sport psychology. A panel seminar at the 2001 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Convention, San Diego, California.
Core, J. (May, 2001). The Inaugural I. W. Stewart Endowed Professorial Lecture, University of Abertay Dundee, Dundee, Scotland. Internet participant, May 17, 2001.
Rushall, B. S. (June, 2001). Thought processes for exceptional athletic performance. The Scholar of the Year 2001 Address at the Southwest District of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual Convention at Park City, Utah, June 21, 2001.
- Rushall, B. S. (November, 2002). On line psychological services for athletes and coaches. A presentation to selected coaches at the New South Wales Institute of Sport, Olympic Park, Australia.
- Rushall, B. S. (March, 2003). Recent trends in swimming coaching. A seminar presented to the coaching staff of the Carlile Swimming Organization, Ryde, Australia.
- Rushall, B. S. (March, 2003). Mental skills training. A seminar presented to the sport psychology staff of the New South Wales Institute of Sport, Olympic Park, Australia.
- Rushall, B. S. (November, 2004). Training principles for effective coaching. A seminar presented to the coaching staff of the Carlile Swimming Organization, Ryde, Australia.
- Rushall, B. S. (November, 2004). Tests in the Sport Psychology Consultation System SPCS_1. A presentation to the professional of Performance Psychology, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia.
- Rushall, B. S. (November, 2004). Techniques of champion swimmers. A 3-hour workshop conducted for South Australian Swimming, Adelaide, South Australia.
- Rushall, B. S. (September, 2005). Modern trends in swimming techniques. A 5-hour workshop presented to the coaching staffs of the Carlile Swimming Organization, Fairlight, NSW, Australia, September 29.
- Rushall, B. S. (September, 2005). Foundations of swimming conditioning. A 5-hour workshop presented to the coaching staffs of the Carlile Swimming Organization, Fairlight, NSW, Australia, September 30.
- Rushall, B. S. (April, 2006). Current questions and answers – What science tells us. A 4-hour workshop presented to the coaching staffs of the Carlile Swimming Organization, Fairlight, NSW, Australia, April 7.
- Simões, P., Silva, A., Rushall, B., & Vasconcelos-Raposo, J. (2006). Mental training in swimming: Applying a new goal definition model. A paper presented at the International Symposium of Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming X, Lisbon, Portugal, June 21-25.
- Rushall, B. S. (September-November, 2006). On-site coach and swimmer training at Ryde and Cherrybrook pools, NSW, Australia. Lectures, individual instruction, and demonstration coaching for Carlile Swimming Inc., Sydney, Australia.
- Rushall, B. S. (April 28, 2007). Facts and fictions in conditioning swimmers: The emergence of a new paradigm. A three-hour presentation at the 2007 Arizona Swimposium, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Rushall, B. S. (June 11, 2007). Drugs in sport: A cure worse than the disease? An invited address at the 4th Annual International Society of Sports Nutrition Conference and Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Rushall, B. S. (June 16, 2007). Physical and mental strategies for swimming competitions. An invited workshop for the members of the Vernon Kokanee Swim Club, Vernon, British Columbia, Canada.
- Rushall, B. S. (November 20, 2008). Facts and fictions in conditioning swimmers: The emergence of a new paradigm. A four-hour workshop presentation for Carlile Swimming Inc., Sydney, Australia.
- Rushall, B. S. (August 22, 2009). Physical and mental strategies for swimming competitions. An invited workshop for the members of the Cherrybrook Carlile Swim Club, Castle Hill, New South Wales, Australia.
- Rushall, B. S. (September 12, 2009). The Future of Swimming: "Myths and Science". An invited presentation at the ASCA World Clinic 2009, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
- Rushall, B. S. (June 9, 2011). Starts, turns, and double-leg kicking. An invited seminar presented to the elite coaches of Carlile Swimming, Ryde, New South Wales, Australia.
- Rushall, B. S. (July 18, 2011). Physical and mental strategies for swimming competitions. A 3-hour workshop presented to participants and coaches at the Super Camp, Swimming WA, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
- Rushall, B. S. (August 28, 2013). Ultra-short Race-pace Training and Traditional Training Compared. An invited presentation at the 4th Annual Hall of Fame Coaches Clinic, August 28-30, 2013 in Clearwater, Florida.
- Rushall, B. S. (August 29, 2013). Current Swimming Techniques: The Physics of Movements and Observations of Champions. An invited presentation at the 4th Annual Hall of Fame Coaches Clinic, August 28-30, 2013 in Clearwater, Florida.
- Rushall, B. S. (November, 7, 2013). Conditioning Principles Associated with USRPT. An invited presentation to the coaches of Carlile Swimming Clubs at Killarney Swimming Center, Killarney Heights, NSW, Australia.
- Rushall, B. S (December 14-15, 2013). Understanding and Implementing Ultra-short Race-pace Training (USRPT): A Two-day Seminar of Coaches and Swimmers. A two-day seminar at the University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, hosted by the UNT Women's Swimming and Diving Team.
- Rushall, B. S (January 7-8, 2014). Understanding and Implementing Ultra-short Race-pace Training (USRPT): A Two-day Seminar of Coaches and Swimmers. A two-day seminar at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, hosted by Team Andrew Indie Swimming and the UK Women's Swimming and Diving Team.
- Rushall, B. S (March 22-23, 2014). Understanding and Implementing Ultra-short Race-pace Training (USRPT): A Two-day Seminar of Coaches and Swimmers. A two-day seminar at the W. Ross McDonald School, hosted by the W. Ross McDonald Swimming Club, in Brantford, Ontario.
- Rushall, B. S. & Chaney, R. (March 19-20, 2016). Introduction to USRPT: technique and organization: A Clinic for Swimmers, Coaches, and Parents. A two-day clinic at the Cheyenne Mountain High School, Colorado Springs, Coloarado.
- Rushall, B. S. (June 19 and 26, 2016). USRPT organization for training groups; The least understood features of USRPT; Recognizing USRPT pretenders? and USRPT: Technique – the better emphasis. Two days of seminars provided for the coaching staffs of Carlile Swimming, held at the Ryde Aquatic Center, Ryde, NSW, Australia.
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