Courses Taught at Dalhousie University
PE330 Motor learning and human performance
PE475 Psychology of sport
PE480 Research, statistics, and experimental design
PE530 Motor learning and human performance
PE570 Psychology of sport
PE575 Psychological research applied to physical activity
PE577 Seminar in coaching science
Courses Taught at the University of Western Ontario
PE570 Applied psychology of sport and physical activity
Courses Taught at the University of Bridgeport
PE500 Research techniques in HPER
PE570 Psychological aspects of physical education
Courses Taught at Lakehead University
PE3033 Theories of motor learning
PE3034 Motor learning - applied
PE3061 Theory and practice of coaching swimming I
PE4061 Theory and practice of coaching swimming II
PE4169 Biomechanics of sport
PE5010 Research methods in coaching theory
PE5020 Applied psychology of sport
PE5040 Seminar in coaching science
PE5031 Applied psychology of sport I
PE5032 Applied psychology of sport II
PE5052 Seminar in coaching science II
Courses Taught at San Diego State University
PE103A Beginning jogging
PE129A Beginning swimming
PE129B Intermediate swimming
PE138 Rugby
PE138 Swim Fitness
PE306 Biomechanics of human movement
PE347 Leadership in physical education
PE347A Leadership for physical education
PE347B Leadership for physical education activity
PE332 Coaching advanced competitive swimming
PE332 Coaching advanced rowing
PE351 Basic coaching theory
PE352F Basic coaching theory
PE352F Coaching elite athletes
PE353 Coaching elite athletes
PE442A Physical education for elementary schools
PE442B Physical education for elementary schools activity
PE600 Psychological procedures for increasing coaching effectiveness
PE791 Seminar in research techniques
PE686 Contemporary coaching
PE687 Coaching models for superior performers
PE688 Applied psychology of effective coaching
PE689 Applied psychology for superior performance