Wendtland, C., Nethery, V., D'Acquisto, L., & Thomas, C. (1997). Glycerol-induced hyperhydration does not provide cardiovascular or thermoregulatory benefit during prolonged exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29(5), Supplement abstract 766.

The effects of glycerol-induced hyperhydration on prolonged, varied-intensity cycle ergometry were examined.

Trained male cyclists (N = 8) completed two identical trials of alternating moderate and high intensity intervals for 106 min. The exercise temperature was a neutral 24 degrees Celsius. Ss were given either orange juice followed by water, or orange-juice flavored glycerol followed by water.

Despite the additional fluid available, there were no differences in total sweat loss, tympanic or chest-skin temperatures, or heart rate.

Implication. No cardiovascular or thermoregulatory benefits occur from glycerol and water ingestion when exercising in a thermoneutral environment despite glycerol's demonstrated capacity for fluid retention.

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