Hargreaves, M., Angus, D., Howlett, K., Marmy Conus, N., & Febbraio, M. (1996). Effect of heat stress on glucose kinetics during exercise in trained men. Medicine and Science in Exercise and Sports, 28(5), Supplement abstract 346.

This study investigated an aspect of the exaggerated hyperglycemia that occurs when exercising in the heat. This phenomenon is caused by an increase in liver glucose output, without any change in muscle glucose uptake. Total carbohydrate (CHO) oxidation is higher in high temperatures suggesting that muscle glycogenolysis is increased during exercise in the heat.

Implication. CHO utilization is increased when exercising in the heat. Pre-contest and intra-contest CHO supplementation should be strictly monitored and slightly exaggerated above normal temperature ingestion quantities and frequencies.

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