Scott, J. P. (1962). Critical periods in behavioral development. Science, 138, 949-958.

Certain periods in the life of young children are marked by times of particular sensitivity. For example, in McGraw's (1935) attempts to modify the behaviors of identical twins by teaching them a number of physical activities, some credence to the "appropriate times for learning" postulation was presented.

Implication. Starting a sporting experience at a very young age is not necessarily advantageous. It would seem that if one was to design development in a sport, the following are appropriate:

There are critical periods for learning that vary from sport to sport. For each kind of coordinated muscular activity there is an optimum for rapid and skillful learning.

[McGraw, M. B. (1935). Growth: A study of Johnny and Jimmy. New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts.]

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