Scott, J. P. (1962). Critical periods in behavioral development. Science, 138, 949-958.
Certain periods in the life of young children are marked by times of particular sensitivity. For example, in McGraw's (1935 - see reference below) attempts to modify the behaviors of identical twins by teaching them a number of physical activities, some credence to the "appropriate times for learning" postulation was presented.
Implication. Starting a sporting experience at a very young age is not necessarily advantageous. It would seem that if one was to design development in a sport, the following would be appropriate:
There are critical periods for learning that vary from sport to sport. For each kind of coordinated muscular activity there is an optimum time for rapid and skillful learning.
[McGraw, M. B. (1935). Growth: A study of Johnny and Jimmy.
New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts.]
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