Cho, A. L., Ciccone, A. B., Hafenstine, R., Pereira, M., Brown, L. E., Coburn, J. W., & Galpin, A. J. (2014). Alternating whole-body strength training increases time to peak ground reaction force across multiple sets. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5), Supplement abstract number 949.
This study compared the effects of traditional vs. alternating whole-body (circuit) strength training on squat concentric peak-ground reaction force and time to peak ground reaction force in resistance-trained men (N = 15). Ss were tested on squats, bench press, and bench pull. Two workouts using 80% 1-RM were completed. One traditional strength training workout consisted of four sets of squats on a force plate with a velocity transducer attached to the barbell and with three minutes of passive rest between sets. The other workout consisted of squats, bench press, and bench row exercises in an alternating fashion with 50 seconds of rest between sets. For both workouts, sets 1-3 were performed for four repetitions for all exercises, while the fourth squat set was performed to concentric failure.
There was a significant interaction for time to peak-ground reaction force with the fourth set of alternating/circuit training being longer than traditional strength training There were no significant interactions or main effects for squat concentric peak-ground reaction force. This suggests that the addition of upper-body multi-joint exercises during the squat rest-intervals may adversely affect squat average concentric velocity, which could decrease total workout power.
Implication. The fourth set of alternating strength training was significantly slower when compared to the traditional strength training.
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