Kubachka, E. M., & Stevens, W. C. (1966). The effects of plyometric training and strength training on the muscular capacities of the trunk. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 28(5), Supplement abstract 1145.

The effects of plyometric, strength training, and body weight exercises on the power, strength, and endurance capacities of the trunk muscles were examined. Training sessions occurred twice per week for five weeks (a total of 10 training sessions).

Plyometrics use two physiological properties of muscle, the stretch reflex and storage of elastic energy. When a rapid lengthening of a muscle occurs just prior to rapid shortening, a more powerful contraction results.

Plyometrics significantly increased power (8.6%) and strength (45.9%). Strength training increased power (7.3%) and strength (82.5%). Body weight increased strength only (21.9%). Both plyometrics and strength training were as effective as each other.

Implication. This study showed the rapid and substantial gains that can be made when plyometric or strength training is confined to a restricted set of muscles. No inference should be made that these improvements will be transferred to any other activity.

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