Frederick, M., Krings, K., Wilfong, E., & Hoover, D. (2009). Concurrent validity of The Omni Scale of Perceived Exertion during cycling. ACSM 56th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington. Presentation number 926.
"Borg’s Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale has been found a valid and reliable method for gauging exercise intensity in a wide variety of activities and populations, and this instrument has been widely used for decades in research, sporting, and clinical scenarios. In contrast, the OMNI scale has emerged in recent years as an alternative method of assessing perceived exertion; this instrument differs from the RPE in that its scale includes both pictorial and verbal descriptors to gauge the level of exertion, but it has been studied less extensively."
This study assessed the concurrent validity of the Borg and OMNI scales during submaximal cycling exercise. Recreational cyclists (N = 14) completed three submaximal exercise bouts on two occasions. During each laboratory session, Ss completed three exercise bouts at workload (watts) to bodyweight (kg) ratios of 1.5:1, 2.0:1, and 2.5:1. The order of laboratory sessions and workloads were randomized. Pearson product correlation coefficients were calculated on heart rate, Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion scores, and OMNI scores for the three workloads.
Correlations between Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion and the OMNI were statistically significant at each of the workloads, ranging from .774 to .838. None of the correlations between heart rate and Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion or heart rate and OMNI were statistically significant.
Implication. Strong statistical relationships found between Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion and OMNI scores suggest that the OMNI has high concurrent validity with the more established Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion in submaximal exercise. The OMNI may be a reasonable alternative to Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion for use in monitoring exercise intensity during cycling.