Solomito, A. N., Enzler, D., & Rodd, D. (2001). Biomechanical analysis of technique during fatigued elbow flexion. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(5), Supplement abstract 1347.

Six Ss (M = 3; F = 3) performed one set of elbow flexion exercises to fatigue. Kinematic analyses of movements at the start and end of the sequence were performed.

Supporting positions and/or movements of the knee, hip, shoulder, and neck were not altered significantly throughout the set. The movements involved in flexion changed notably in fatigue. Compensatory movements involving the origin of support of the action (e.g., hip hyperextension, shoulder flexion) were exaggerated.

Implication. Fatigue causes techniques to change, even in stylized local actions such as elbow flexion.

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