Bjerke, O., & Ettema, G. J. (2001). The effects of muscular fatigue on the co-ordination patterns in a complex task with a maintained performance level. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(5), Supplement abstract 1220.
The effects of fatigue on the movement patterns of a ski-simulation task ("Skier's Edge"), where performance was required to be maintained were investigated. The protocol aimed to produce fatigue in the knee extensors. Coordination patterns were evaluated at the start and at 50% and 100% of fatigue.
As fatigue increased, hip angle decreased. The machine itself constrained some of the movement parameters preventing them from being altered to the same degree that might occur in totally free movement. However, it was evident that as fatigue increased, patterns of movement coordination changed.
Implication. There is no single movement pattern in an activity that produces fatigue. The body accommodates changing internal states by implementing variations of movements to produce a consistent functional output. This has direct implications for those coaches who believe there is only one movement pattern or technique in a sport.
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