Zimmerman, B. J., & Kitsantas, A. (1996). Self-regulated learning of a motoric skill: The role of goal setting and self-monitoring. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 8, 60-75.
It was hypothesized that process goals would improve not only the development of a novel skill (dart-throwing) more than product goals, but also self-efficacy perceptions, self-reactions, and intrinsic interest would be influenced. It was also anticipated that self-recording would enhance skill performance, self-efficacy, and self-reactive beliefs. High school girls (N = 50) served as Ss.
Both hypotheses were supported. Goal setting had a larger impact of performance skill, but self-recording influenced self-efficacy beliefs and positive self-reactions as well as skill. Self-reactions to the task outcomes were highly correlated with intrinsic task interest.
Implication. Process goals and self-recording have a significant influence on skilled performance and positive reactions to performing the task.
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