Crocker, P. R., Alderman, R. B., & Smith, F. M. (1988). Cognitive-affective stress management training with high performance youth volleyball players: Effects on affect, cognition, and performance. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 10, 448-460.
Members of a men's (N = 16) and women's (N = 15) provincial volleyball team were divided into two groups. One group underwent stress-management training and the other was a waiting-list control. Anxiety, thoughts, and practice performance were measured. Stress-management training consisted of eight one-hour modules administered on a weekly basis. Modules of training were conceptualization and introduction to relaxation training; role of cognitive mediation and identifying trigger thoughts; role of irrational beliefs and developing sub-situation statements; relaxation and induced affect; self-instructional training; self-talk and induced affect; integrated coping response; and meditation. Cognitive appraisal and coping processes were highlighted.
The stress-management training group emitted fewer negative thoughts in response to videotaped stressors and had superior performance (service reception) than the control group.
Implication. Being prepared to handle stressful sport-specific situations reduces the amount of stress experienced.
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