Goldberg, L., Elliot, D. L., MacKinnon, D., Moe, E., Kuehl, K., Nohre, L., Lockwood, C., & McGinnis, W. (2001). Drug testing adolescent athletes prevents drug use: Results of a prospective, controlled study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(5), Supplement abstract 393.
Two high schools with different drug testing policies; one with a program based on the USOC's new program of no advanced notice, and the other with no program (control), were tested in 1999-2000. Approximately 30% of student-athletes were screened. Positive results were non-punitive, but required informing parents and attending at least one mandatory drug counseling session in order to continue sport participation. A confidential questionnaire was used to determine attitudes and use before and after the program. Drug tests on 47 athletes were performed on 15 occasions during the school year at the tested school.
Attitude toward school declined in the drug testing school, as did the use of illicit and performance enhancing drugs. Drug use climbed in the control school to 19.4%, as compared to being reduced to 5.4% in the tested school.
Implication. Drug testing reduces the use of illicit and performance enhancing drugs in high school athletes.
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