Australian Sports Drug Agency, (2002).
ASDA has recently received a number of inquiries through the drugs in sport hotline, in regards to the status of caffeine in sport. Caffeine is listed as a stimulant at competition under the Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code (OMADC). The current (2001) OMADC states that: "For caffeine, the definition of a positive is a concentration in the urine greater than twelve micrograms per milliliter." Approximately 350-500 milligrams of caffeine would need to be ingested over a short amount of time to exceed this concentration of caffeine. The actual amount an athlete can ingest, without going over the legal limit, can vary from person to person and depend on factors such as body size and metabolic rates. The amount an athlete can take may also be different for the same athlete on different occasions. The OMADC specifies that stimulants are only banned for event testing. Accordingly, athletes should be aware that caffeine use prior to and at competition time may result in a positive drug test. Athletes should also check their sport's doping rules for any variation to this clause. The world anti-doping agency (WADA) is in the process of reviewing the current OMADC, and has confirmed the status of caffeine will be addressed as part of their redrafting of the list of banned substances. An Australian working group, including ASDA and sports medicine professionals, has provided a submission to WADA, which seeks, amongst other issues, to clarify the status of caffeine. Australian athletes and sports administrators should be assured that you would be informed if the current status of caffeine or any other substance is changed by WADA.
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