Jones, A. M., Atter, T., & Georg, K. P. (1999). Oral creatine supplementation improves multiple sprint performance in elite ice-hockey players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 39, 189-196.
The effect of oral creatine monohydrate supplementation on multiple sprint cycle and skating performance in elite ice-hockey players was assessed. One group (N = 8) ingested creatine (5 g, four times per day, for five days) while the other ingested a placebo. This was followed by a maintenance period of 10 weeks where 5 g/day was consumed. Testing consisted of a cycle task involving five all-out sprints of 15 s duration separated by 15 s recovery with resistance at .075 body mass, and six timed 80-m sprints, one every 30 seconds (time was measured at 47 m).
The placebo group did not change throughout the study period. The creatine group increased the average mean power output over the five cycle sprints after 10 days, which was maintained at 10 weeks. Peak power also increased by day 10. On-ice sprint performance to 47 m was significantly faster at 10 days and maintained for the 10 weeks.
Implication. Creatine supplementation has an ergogenic effect in elite ice-hockey players' sprinting capability.
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