Hamar, D., Gazovic, O., & Schickhofer, P. (2000). Force exerted during a warm-up set affects the muscle performance in subsequent resistance exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 32(5), Supplement abstract 660.
This study evaluated whether the force exerted in warm-up repetitions affects subsequent maximal strength and power performances. Males (N = 12) performed one set of 10 bench press repetitions with 70% 1 RM on three different days. Warm-up sets were performed two minutes before each test. One set consisted of 10 x 50% 1 RM. Another was four eccentric contractions with 120% 1 RM. The remaining warm-up activity was six eccentric contractions with 75% 1 RM.
It was found that performance was better when the warm-up employed loads that were more test-specific than not. In this case, the heavier loads (80% of concentric and 120% of eccentric exercises) were better than the lighter loads.
This finding supports the contention that warm-up exercises need to replicate the task demands on an intended performance.
Implication. Warm-ups need to involve task-specific load demands.
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