Durham, M. P., Shimp-Bowerman, J. A., Adams, K. J., Berning, J. M., Kipp, R. L., & Fabian, N. M. (2001). Effects of plyometric and weighted plyometric training on lower body anaerobic power output. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(5), Supplement abstract 765.
Plyometric training is often used with an aim to increase anaerobic muscle power. Limited research has investigated the optimal stimulus for plyometric activities. This study compared the effects of plyometric and weighted-plyometric training on lower body anaerobic power (modified 30-sec Bosco jump test). Strength-trained females (N = 14) performed four weeks of training after being divided into two groups. The weighted group increased added resistance from 20% to 40% 1 RM over the four weeks. Depth jumps, split squats, and double-leg hops were performed.
Both groups increased number of jumps, average jump height, and peak jump height. Power output and fatigue index did not change. There were no significant differences in any variables between the two groups.
Implication. Unweighted and weighted-plyometric training produces similar training effects in females.
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