Delecluse, C., Van , H., Willems, E., Van Leemputte, M., Diels, R., & Goris, M. (1995). Influence of high-resistance and high-velocity training on sprint performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 27, 1203-1209.
This investigation assessed the effects of high-resistance and high-velocity training on different phases of a 100-m sprint run. Two training groups (high-resistance - N = 24; and high-velocity - N = 24) were compared with a passive control group(N = 15) and a running control group (N = 15). Upper and lower-body resistance training was performed twice a week for nine weeks. Running workouts were performed by all groups except the passive control.
High resistance training improved performances on the strength training exercises. High velocity training improved performances on the explosive training exercises (including a variety of jumps). Specific training effects were observed.
High velocity training increased acceleration (0-10 m) beyond that exhibited by any other group, and improved 100-m run time over the two control groups. The 100-m improvement resulted mainly from the initial acceleration improvements. High resistance training only produced an acceleration difference when compared to the passive group. Both training groups actually lost a significant amount of ability to sustain maximum running velocity when compared to the two control groups.
Implications. High resistance training programs do not improve sprinting performance. High-velocity training only improves sprinting performance by developing initial acceleration in the total task. Auxiliary training programs of the type used in this study, cause a loss in ability to maintain maximum sprint velocity.
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