Tyillian, T. A., Whaley, M. H., & Kaminsky, L. A. (1998). Reliability of regulating treadmill exercise using ratings of perceived exertion. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 30(5), Supplement abstract 181.
This study examined the reliability of perceptually based (RPE) exercise on a treadmill. Ss (N = 11) completed a maximal test and three RPE production trials yielding high and low RPE estimates. A variety of physiological measures were recorded.
It was found that RPE related differently to each physiological parameter although there were no significant differences in most parameters at any intensity governed by RPE.
The reliability of treadmill exercise governed by RPE varies depending upon the physiological measure used as a dependent variable. Individual variations in RPE associated with idiosyncratic physiological responses should be determined prior to regulating exercise intensities based on RPE.
Implication. RPE has different relationships with different physiological measures (e.g., heart rate, oxygen uptake, ventilatory equivalents for oxygen uptake, and blood lactate) in each individual. Before associating RPE with physiological expectations the relationship between the two should be determined on an individual basis.
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