Hrovatin, L. A., Florhaug, J. A., Brice, G., Esten, P. L., Mikat, R. J., & Foster, C. (2000). Effect of interval duration on markers of exercise training intensity. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 32(5), Supplement abstract 1567.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of S-RPE to evaluate training load during interval training, with different durations of the hard/easy segments. Recreational athletes (N = 12) performed a 30-min bout at 90% of anaerobic threshold. Each also performed interval training at the same mean power output, but with hard/easy (1:1 ratio) segments of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 minutes (power output during hard/easy were + 25% steady state). Training load was calculated using the S-RPE method and a summated heart rate score, based on heart rate zones (HR-Z) related to HRmax.
Regression lines for both methods were essentially the same. Both S-RPE and HR-Z methods were related to objective markers of exercise intensity (VO2 and blood lactate).
S-RPE can assess the relative exercise loading during interval training as well as during steady state exercise.
Implication. Session-RPE is a useful method for judging exercise intensity during variable workload activities (interval training) as well as steady state exercise.
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