Theodorakis, Y. (1996). The influence of goals, commitment, self-efficacy and self-satisfaction on motor performance. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 8, 171-182.
The effects of goal-setting, commitment, self-efficacy, trait-efficacy, ability, and self-satisfaction on tennis performance were assessed.
Undergraduates (N = 48; aged 19-23 yrs) enrolled in physical education tennis classes performed four trials of a specific service task, and set personal goals before the third and fourth trials. The psychological variables of self-efficacy, self-satisfaction, and commitment, were assessed before each trial.
Results showed that ability, self-efficacy, goal-setting, and goal commitment were predictors of performance at the various stages of the experiment. Personal goal setting was affected by level of ability, as well as by perceived self-efficacy and satisfaction. Self-efficacy and goal commitment were direct as well as indirect determinants of performance.
Implication. Even with low-standard performers, self-efficacy, goal-setting, and commitment to achieving goals influenced performance. These factors should be part of the milieu and behaviors of practice and competitions.
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