Chase, M. A., Lirgg, C. D., & Feltz, D. L. (1997) Do coaches' efficacy expectations for their teams predict team performance? The Sport Psychologist, 11, 8-22.
Self-efficacy is defined as a judgment about one's capability to successfully perform a task at given levels. This study investigated the relationship between coaches' expectations for their teams, ratings of opponents' ability, perceived control over outcome, perceived importance of success, and basketball performance. It also attempted to identify sources of coaches' team efficacy. Efficacy expectations (not to be confused with outcome expectations) were compared with team performance outcomes. Four collegiate women's basketball coaches completed questionnaires before 10 games.
Anxiety and concentration dependent performance (e.g., free-throws and turnovers), were significantly correlated with coaches' efficacy expectations. Perhaps these types of behaviors are emphasized more at training than others. Sources of coaches' efficacy revealed a relationship between coaches' perceived level of control and their level of efficacy. The higher a coach's level of control, the higher their efficacy level.
Implications. Other aspects of performance (e.g., field goals, rebounds, steals, assists) should be emphasized in a similar manner to anxiety and concentration dependent behaviors at training. That would improve the relationship between coaches' performance and efficacy outcomes. As coaches increase their levels of control, they become more confident about their effectiveness. However, such an increase in autocracy is often counterproductive as athletes' responses decline in environments where that type of coaching is emphasized.
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