Schneider, P. T.,& Cerny, F. J. (1998). Does the Breathe right Nasal Strip (BRNS) reduce nasal resistance during exercise? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 30(5), Supplement abstract 1078.
At rest, most ventilation occurs through the nose. During mild to moderate exercise the nasal valve and nares expand to accommodate an increase in nasal airflow. At high levels of ventilation a switch point occurs where turbulent nasal airflow stimulates a change from nasal to oronasal or oral vential. The effects off a BRNS on nasal airway resistance are unknown.
It was found that BRNS offered no advantage to exercise at higher intensities, but may permit greater nasal condition of inspired air during exercise in patients with exercise-induced asthma.
Implication. Nasal strips could help asthmatics during exercise.
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