Prevost, M. C., Nelson, A. G., & Morris, G. S. (1997). Creatine supplementation enhances intermittent work performance. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 68, 233-240.
Ss (N = 18) performed two sets of four different work bouts to exhaustion. For five days prior to the first set of work a placebo was ingested. Prior to the second work bout, for five days Ss (N = 9) ingested the placebo while the remaining Ss (N = 9) ingested a creatine supplement (18.75 gm creatine monohydrate for five days, 2.25 gm daily during testing). Work consisted of cycling to exhaustion at 150% VO2peak either: nonstop; intermittently for 60 sec work, 120 sec rest; 20 sec work, 40 sec rest; or 10 sec work, 20 sec rest.
Creatine supplementation significantly increased total work time in all task forms. The 10s:20s protocol showed the greatest increase (>100%). Creatine supplementation was shown to extend one's capacity to maintain a specific level of high-intensity, intermittent exercise.
Implication. Repeated short bouts of high intensity work (e.g., interval training) are extended in the presence of creatine supplementation.
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