Schaeffer, S. A., Darby, L. A., Browder, K. D. & Reeves, B. D. (1995). Perceived exertion and metabolic responses of women during aerobic dance exercise. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 81, 691-700.
The relationship between ratings of perceived exertion, metabolic responses, and respiratory exchange ratio during aerobic dance with combined arm and leg movements were studied in 16 women (mean age 23 yrs).
Three consecutive trials of 8 min each, at a cadence of 124 and 138 beats per min, were performed. The dependent variables were relative and absolute oxygen consumption (VO2), percent VO2max, absolute VCO2, ventilation, O2 pulse, heart rate, percent maximum heart rate, respiratory exchange ratio, and gross and net energy costs. Metabolic data, perceived exertion, and bodily perception of effort were recorded after every trial. Later, the Ss completed a maximal graded exercise treadmill test.
Perceived exertion was found not to be the sole indicator of the exercise intensity during aerobic dance exercise that involved combining arm and leg movements. The correlations between perceived exertion and other variables were not significant.
Implication. In aerobic dance, ratings of perceived exertion may not be as accurate or reliable as in other more consistent forms of exercise (e.g., cyclic activities such as running, cycling, swimming).
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