Herrera, J., Maresh, C., Armstrong, L., Casa, D., Kavouras, S., Stoppani, J., & Hacker, F. (1998). Perceptual responses to exercise in the heat following rapid oral and intravenous rehydration. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 30(5), Supplement abstract 35.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of oral and intravenous fluid rehydration (administered over 20 minutes) on differentiated RPE, thirst and thermal sensations during exercise in 37 degrees Celsius.
Oral rehydration resulted in lower RPE, thirst and thermal sensations than either control or intravenous conditions. Thermal sensations were related to RPE in all trials. It was also suggested that thirst and thermal sensations may have influenced RPE ratings of exercise.
Implication. Oral rehydration has greater perceptual affects than either intravenous or no hydration.
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