Falkenklous, J., Alsup, J., Ryan, M., & Reneau, P. (2015). Effect of caffeine and rest time on repeated sprint running performance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 47(5), Supplement abstract number 1405.
This study examined the physiological effects of caffeine supplementation and rest time on repeated sprint performance. Ss (N = 10) participated in two testing sessions. Ss were asked to abstain from caffeine-containing foods and beverages 48 hours prior to each session and abstain from food and fluids, with the exception of water, two hours prior to each testing session. In a single-blind experiment, a 6 mg/kg caffeine pill or placebo pill was given to Ss one hour before each testing session. A session consisted of two sets of 20 m sprints with four minutes of recovery between each set. Each set consisted of completing 6 x 20 m runs. During set 1 Ss rested 25 seconds between each sprint, while during set 2 Ss the rest was 60 seconds. Counterbalance methods were used to administer caffeine and placebo pills in order to prevent learning effects.
No significant interactions were found. Significant main effects were found for total sprint time (the sum of six sprints) and the sixth sprint time. Total sprint time and the sixth sprint time were significantly shorter with caffeine than without caffeine. No significant main effect was found for the third sprint across treatments. No significant main effect was found between tests for recovery time.
Implication. Caffeine supplementation decreased the sixth sprint time compared to no caffeine and also decreased total sprint time during repeated sprint tests. A rest of 25 or 60 seconds between 20 m sprints did not appear to affect sprint time during repeated sprint tests.
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