Rossow, L. M., Fahs, C. A., Thiebaud, R. S., Loenneke, J. P., Kim, D., Mouser, G., Shore, E. A., Siegrist, E. A., & Memben, M. G. (2013). Cardiovascular responses to eight weeks of high-intensity resistance training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45(5), Supplement abstract number 1337.
This study determined the cardiovascular responses to high-intensity resistance training in young (18-25 years; N = 10) and older (50-64 years; N = 8) women. Brachial systolic and diastolic blood pressures, heart rate, central (carotid to femoral) and peripheral (femoral to posterior tibial) arterial pulse-wave velocity, resting forearm blood flow, and forearm reactive hyperemia were assessed approximately two weeks prior to exercise training (Pre1), immediately prior to exercise training (Pre2), and immediately following exercise training. Exercise training consisted of eight weeks of three sets (10 repetitions, 10 repetitions, repetitions to failure) of six (three upper-body, three lower-body) exercises performed on standard weight-machines three days per week.
Paired-samples t-tests compared Pre1 to Pre2. As no t-tests were statistically significant, Pre1 and Pre2 values were then averaged and 2 x 2 (group x time) repeated measures ANOVA was performed.
Forearm reactive hyperemia area under the curve increased significantly from pre- to post-training (data from both groups pooled). Forearm reactive hyperemia peak flow significantly decreased in young Ss and increased in older Ss. No changes over time or between groups were seen in brachial systolic blood pressure, brachial diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, central arterial pulse-wave velocity, peripheral arterial pulse-wave velocity, or resting forearm blood flow.
Implication. High-intensity resistance training improved both resting forearm blood flow area under the curve and forearm reactive hyperemia peak flow in the older Ss. In younger Ss, it improved only forearm reactive hyperemia area under the curve and slightly impaired forearm reactive hyperemia peak flow. Arterial stiffness appeared unaffected by the resistance training.
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