Jacobs, P. (2014). Effects of a pre-workout dietary supplement on performance of a Crossfit workout of the day. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5), Supplement abstract number 388.
This study determined the effects of a commercial pre-workout dietary supplement on performance of a benchmark CrossFit workout of the day. Ss (M = 8; F = 8) completed two test sessions of the exercise series, with two different nutritional supplement conditions applied in randomized order with one week between. Supplement condition one consisted of a commercial pre-workout drink-mix powder containing beta-alanine, grape seed extract, coenzyme Q10, brown rice extract, natural caffeine, vitamins, and minerals. Supplement condition two consisted of a look-alike, taste-alike placebo powder containing cellulose. Following a 12-hour fast, Ss received the respective supplement mixed in eight ounces of water. Twenty minutes following supplement ingestion and warm-up, Ss completed the exercise routine, which involved performing as many rounds as possible of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 bodyweight squats in 20 minutes. The total number of repetitions completed served as the primary study outcome.
Performance on the Crossfit exercise routine was significantly greater with drink-mix powder than with the placebo.
Implication. Performance of a Crossfit Workout of the Day likely will be significantly enhanced with the ingestion of a commercial pre-workout product.
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