Perry, C. A., Summers, L., Rutherford, J., & Chomentowski, P. J. (2014). The effects of active recovery during resistance training on lactate clearance in collegiate athletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(5), Supplement abstract number 1455.
This study evaluated the effects of active recovery during the rest periods of a resistance-training session on lactate clearance in varsity collegiate athletes (N = 20). Ss participated in collegiate strength and conditioning workout session. Ss were randomly divided into an active recovery group and a passive recovery group. Both groups performed five exercises for two sets of eight repetitions at 70% 1-RM, with three minutes of recovery between each set. The exercises were performed in the following order: Power Clean, Barbell Squat, Barbell Bench Press, Barbell Bent-over Row, and Kettlebell swings. Active recovery consisted of cycling on a Monark cycle ergometer at minimum resistance at 60 rpm during each three-minute rest period. Passive recovery consisted of remaining stationary for the duration of the rest period. Blood lactate levels were recorded during each second rest period using finger-prick blood analysis via Nova blood lactate analyzers. The changes in blood lactate were compared between recovery forms.
There was no significant difference for blood lactate levels between groups overall during the workout session. However, the results yielded significant differences in lactate between groups during the power-clean exercise circuit.
Implication. Blood lactate levels in active and passive recoveries did not differ during the overall resistance training session. A significant difference in lactates between forms of recovery did occur for power cleans.
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