Austin, K. S. (2013). Vascular adaptations following short-term exercise training are modality dependent. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45(5), Supplement abstract number 374.
Studies have shown exercise training results in significant adaptations in large conduit artery and microvascular function. Few studies have examined the influence of short-term training using different modalities on both macro- and microvascular function.
This study examined the effects of different short-term exercise training modalities on macro- and microvascular function in males (N = 20). Ss completed two weeks (4 sessions per week, 50-minute sessions) of either regional specific training or aerobic training. Regional specific training consisted of eight exercises involving six minutes of contractions with moderate load, at a cadence of one contraction every four seconds. Aerobic training consisted of jogging at 60-70%~VO2peak. Measures of fitness included a 1RM chest and leg press and a 12-minute run. Vascular measurements were obtained after Ss rested for twenty minutes in the supine position. Macro-vascular assessments included: brachial artery flow mediated dilation, radial pulse wave analysis, and carotid-to-radial pulse-wave velocity using ultrasonography and applanation tonometry. Microvascular assessments included: Red blood cell velocity and erythrocyte endothelial gap, in sublingual capillaries using orthogonal polarization spectral imaging.
Over the fifty minutes, heart rate responses to regional specific training remained below 50% of HRReserve, whereas the aerobic training group consistently jogged at 60 to 70% of HRReserve. Total strength improved more in the regional specific training group than in the aerobic training group. The combined 12-minute distance improved 3%. The regional specific training group increased brachial artery flow mediated dilation as well as the erythrocyte endothelial gap, but exhibited no carotid-to-radial pulse wave velocity or red blood cell velocity changes. The aerobic training group had no change in brachial artery flow mediated dilation, red blood cell velocity, or erythrocyte endothelial gap, but decreased central blood pressures and pulse-wave velocity. After exercise training, Aerobic training erythrocyte endothelial gap was significantly greater than that for regional specific training.
Implication. There were differential vascular adaptations to short-term training, with regional specific training contributing to improvements in peripheral vascular function and aerobic training resulting in a decrease in central blood pressures.
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